Chapter 1: The Deadbeat Meets the Streamer

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"Come on.... Come on!!!" you shouted in anticipation.

You were eagerly awaiting the next stream of your favorite VTuber.

You read the comments just as the stream start counter went down by each second.

"When's she gonna start?!"

"I want my Calliope!"

You figured you could make a witty response to that comment.

"If you like calliopes so much, then why don't you buy a calliope and learn to play it?" you typed.

The original commenter responded with "...".

Meanwhile, many other commenters gave you a standing ovation.

You followed that up with "Why don't you go marry the Greek mythology girl Calliope?"

The original commenter responded with "What?"

You wanted to make a third response to that, but the stream started just like that in a flash.

"SHUSH!" you commented. "It's starting!"

A few seconds later, you heard her familiar voice.

"Greetings, my fellow dead beats."

You felt your heart skip a beat.

"I love you," you left a comment in the stream.

Timeskip brought to you by chibi (y/n) enjoying the stream

A Girl's Favorite Deadbeat (Mori Calliope x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now