Chapter 20: A Good Day for Games

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You and Calli are playing a multiplayer game called "Cyber Knights" with Calli's friends. Your characters are currently fighting demonic robots and have gotten past the 3rd wave.

While you were playing, you noticed that Gawr went missing.

"Gawr got lost, again," you said to Calli.

Calli: "We literally only have three rooms in this arena. (Sigh) Let's go find her."

She wrote in the chat "Looking for Gawr" before she went with you to look for Gawr in the other rooms. In one of them, you saw Gawr's character walking side to side on the wall.

"We should put a leash on Gawr in real life," you said after you turned off your mic.

"Me and the others were talking about that last week as well," Calli said after turning off her mic.

After you turned your mics back on, your characters picked up Gawr.

"It's a good thing this game allows you to pick up other characters."

Calli: "Yeah, or otherwise we'd have to waste a teleport relic on her. Let's get back to the others before the game starts."

"Interesting in playing this game for your next stream?"

Calli: "Maybe. This game is pretty awesome."

You and Calli brought Gawr to the main room, where a boss began to be "Summoned".

Calli: "Okay, and here comes the First Traitor. Time to fight."

Everyone had their characters bring out their Sword Crosses and charged at the boss. You and Calli mashed the buttons on your controllers pretty quickly to defeat the boss. Everyone slashed and shot at the boss in hopes of getting its health lower.

The boss's defense grew as its health got lower, becoming tougher to beat. You and the others soon realized you had gathered enough energy to charge your Ultimate Moves.

"Calli, you thinking what I'm thinking?"

Calli: "Yep."

You and Calli simultaneously pressed the buttons on your controllers to activate your character's ultimate combo move where your Sword Crosses combine and you fired an energy beam to destroy the boss.

"Arena Completed!"

Calli: "Awesome!"

Everyone in the chat says that they've got to get going.

Calli: "See ya later. Be safe."

Everyone says "You too" and exited the game, as you and Calli did the same thing and drank the sodas you had on the table.

Calli: "Nice to have something to play with the others even when we're in different places. I'm a little surprised they all had this game."

"Hey, it was pretty affordable when it was released."

Calli: "Y/N?"

"What's up?"

Calli: "Want to go to the beach tomorrow?"


You and Calli clinked your soda bottles together and resumed drinking them.

A Girl's Favorite Deadbeat (Mori Calliope x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now