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The weekend had arrived and Daniel was packing his things.

After packing everything he said goodbye to his mother and left with his bags.

It turns out that while he was walking, he passed by a store and saw the notice that employees were needed, the store sold mainly food, it was more like a bakery, but as almost everything was sold there, there was a lot of stuff.

Daniel stopped to read and saw that the owner had set a minimum age of 17, as Daniel is 19, he could then go back there and do an interview so he could work.

The same arrived at the house, it was even well located and it was both close to the store and to his school, so he would not have problems with being late.

The same saw that the house was full of dust and somewhat messy, he decided to do a cleaning.

After cleaning everything.

He was really tired but even so, he put on some clothes and left the house with the intention of working there, he would try if possible to take the night shift, since that way, he would not have problems with the issue of leaving school and having to run to the work.

He entered the store and came across a medium chubby man with a broom mustache, he was sweeping the floor and when he saw Daniel he was already offering the job.

"When do you want to start working? Could it be today? How much do you want to earn?!" were questions that came out of the mouth of the gentleman in front of him, he really didn't expect that reaction, but he got the job and that's what matters.

Daniel explained to the man that he was still in high school and that he could only work the night shift and on weekends, he could work the day shifts. 

The man accepted everything quickly and without asking for explanations, and so Daniel could get started.

He entered a part of the store's employees only and changed in the employees' bathroom, he only put on an apron and an identification badge.

The man warned that Daniel would work alone for the time being, but that he could rest assured that not many people showed up at night.

Daniel just nodded at the same and decided to just sit down and write down what he had learned at school on Friday, as a way of studying, since he had a test in 2 weeks, he didn't want to do badly.

While he was writing down some things, he noticed some people entering the store and not even looking at his face, he really didn't care but watched people, to make sure they didn't steal anything.

Daniel almost immediately recognized them, they were from his class and tried to make failed attempts to interact with Daniel, they mostly walked with Zack.

He knew those guys weren't going    anywhere without Zack, so he was probably outside the store.

They took some bottles of drink and took them to the cashier, when Daniel came close to the cashier, he gave them a disapproving look.

Even when they recognized Daniel, they started to try to make excuses, "hey hehehe, Daniel, right? We were going to buy this for a guy over there, he was going to pay for it, you could break our bar and sell it to us, right?"

"Just put the drinks back and go, I'm not selling alcohol to minors."

Suddenly, the door can be heard opening and a voice coming from outside, "You fucks, why are you taking so long? If the guy didn't fall for the false ID, let's just go buy somewhere else.", Daniel knew that voice , her theory that Zack was outside was correct, but now he was walking into the store.

Zack had recognized the man who had knocked him down and embarrassed him in front of his crush, he really wanted to put the pohada on Daniel's cute little face, but he still couldn't do it, but he would, but seeing that his revenge plan could already start to be executed, he opens a devilish smile in his mind.

"Well well well look what we found here, Daniel Park, the prince of the fashion department of J High School."

Zack's friends were surprised by the fact that Zack seemed calm, until they remembered when Zack drunkenly told them his diabolical plan to embarrass Daniel.

They wanted to stop it, since they wanted to be Daniel's friend, for Daniel to protect them from gangs or guys who wanted to mess with them.

But they also wanted to be popular and feared, and shaming Daniel would be the best way to do that, as many already feared him, and if THEY shamed him, they would be feared even more.

That's why they didn't say anything and just agreed when Zack called Daniel to hang out with them the next time they went out.

Well Daniel, not knowing what to do in that situation, accepted since he wanted to make friends and make peace with Zack, little knowing that this was all part of his plan.

After that they left.

Daniel was watching them leave, he was suspicious but as he was too naive he was smiling silly.

After a few minutes, Daniel hears the door opening and when he looked at the person, he saw a tall and very beautiful girl.

She looked at Daniel with a look of disgust, which made Daniel not like her that much anymore.

She bought a few things, including a cell phone charger, a car charger adapter and a snack.

Daniel after going through everything said, "Okay, it was 35.90, how will the payment be?", the girl looks at him with rancidity and hands him a debit card.

Then he handed her the things and the card to her, "Have a good night and come back often." the blue-eyed one spoke with a certain tone of anger.

He had remembered from his old school days, girls had always given him looks like that, judgmental and disgusted, Daniel hadn't really liked her.

She seemed to have a surprised and angry look, but then she just took her things and left, without even saying thank you, Daniel never wanted to meet people like that again.

After a few hours, it was already 4:30 in the morning, his shift was over and when he was preparing everything to leave, he realized that he was not finding his cell phone, it was a disposable one and so he always took the chip out to not to lose anything from memory, the cell phone was not expensive so he didn't care much about it.

Of course, I would look for a new cell phone later, but for now it was not a serious problem.

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