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Daniel picked up the still unrecognized person and took him to his home.

The same put it on top of his bed and went to get the things he had bought a little before the confusion.

He took some wet wipes to clean and then started cleaning the wounds of the person in front of him with the saline solution.

After cleaning up all the bruises, cuts and some burns from the cigarette butts, he bandaged and did some dressings, they weren't very professional, but they weren't sloppy either.

Daniel made sure the dressings and bandages weren't too tight, otherwise he could make the situation worse for the person in front of him.

He was calmer now, he could better see the face of the person he had saved, he recognized him after some time he finally recognized him, his name was Jiho Park and he studied in the same room as Daniel, only he sat right in front while Daniel sat at the bottom.

He looked at Jiho and decided to take him to a hospital, where he delivered Jiho, and instead of asking Daniel for information about who he was and what had happened, he just picked up Jiho and took him to the exams, while the receptionist spoke that he was going to be fine and sent him flirtations.

Daniel was the least bit disgusted, and decided to just pay with the money he had made at the convenience store, and left a letter with money for Jiho.

In the letter was written Daniel's number and that he talked about the situation, but that Jiho should recover and call or speak to Daniel at school, so he can clarify things better.

There was 200 dollars in the letter, and a note saying that Jiho should use it for medicine to get better.

Really, Daniel wanted to stay in that hospital, but he couldn't, he was uncomfortable with everyone staring at him, not like before, before losing weight, but it didn't change the fact that Daniel was almost having a panic attack.

He didn't want to go home, the bed was covered in blood and he felt he couldn't go there without emptying his head first.

He decided to call Jay, he was a good, no, a great friend, and despite not having known each other for 1 month, they already looked like brothers (although Jay doesn't want brotherly love if you know what I mean ), which made Daniel trust him for anything.

As soon as he clicked on Jay's contact and put it to call, Daniel barely had time to put the cell phone to his ear, which Jay had already answered.

Daniel told what had happened, in the bar, in the store, in the alley, with his classmates, with Jiho, in the hospital, he practically said absolutely everything that had happened that night.

As Jay couldn't answer, he decided to make a video call and wrote on a piece of paper that Daniel was supposed to go to his house, and that he would send the location of the place.

Daniel agreed and when they hung up, Daniel immediately received the location, and when he got there, at the entrance of the fancy building, Jay was waiting for Daniel.

The blonde took the brunette to the floor of his house and there Jay made some green tea and consoled him as best he could, he was the friendly shoulder that the youngest needed urgently.

It was a long night in which neither one of the 2 slept, Dani didn't sleep because whenever she closed her eyes, she remembered Jiho's scene with those guys, and so she ended up remembering all her traumas, and Jay wouldn't sleep before manage to help Daniel calm down.

And only after many hot teas, crying, panic attacks and hugs, did Dani manage to calm down.

But by then it was time for Dani and Jay to go to school, the blonde wanted to protest saying that the brunette had to sleep and rest after such a disturbed night, but Dani insisted that he should go and Jay sleep, and that he would justify Jayla's absence from school.

But obviously Jay wasn't going to allow that, and I suggested they should at least take some naps after school.

Dani agreed and had to borrow one of Jay's uniforms, who didn't care a bit about it, if Daniel asked Jay to give him his house and all his clothes for himself, the blonde would do it.

They showered, changed and rode to school on Jay's motorbike, at this point only motorbikes to stop them from being late.

They arrived in the room, and many stared at him, perhaps because the 2 "princes" of the school had dark circles under their eyes and walked together looking like zombies.

Daniel might have looked even more depressing and rough if he hadn't showered and washed his face thoroughly.

But when they went in and sat down, Dani heard Zack and his henchmen laughing at something, and when Zoe asked instead, only to burst out laughing shortly thereafter.

"He and I busted a guy in the porada and even took his money! We just couldn't continue because a giant guy showed up and ended the game."

They were going to keep talking, but when Zoe, Zack and the 2 guys went to look at Daniel, it was possible to see a murderous aura around them.

He wasn't 100% emotionally, maybe 80% was fine, but 20% was still stable, and if he said the right thing at the wrong time, Daniel couldn't guarantee good emotional stability.

And really, that was the right thing to do, at the worst time, in the worst place and next to the worst person on planet earth to say that.

Jiho wasn't there, he was at the hospital, because of those guys, and they brag about it as if they were hunters showing the day's catch?  

The nation, this is not forgiven, not here, not anywhere on Earth.

These guys are so fucked up.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2023 ⏰

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