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What exactly was Zack's plan again?

Oh right, get Daniel drunk and make him make a scene

It worked out? No way, but it went so wrong that Zack himself got drunk and passed out.

Although that was a completely miserable plan in terms of strategy, but Zack was never that smart.

Now at that moment Zack was being carried into a taxi by his other friends, who knew where he lived.

And Daniel, as he lived not far from daoi, so he didn't have to worry about being robbed, or about work since it was Friday and he spoke to his boss about it, and he agreed to help him.

The same was opening the door of his house quietly while thinking about what had happened that night.

*What happened a few hours ago*

Daniel was sitting at a table in a bar, along with Zoe, Zack and a few other people who never bothered to introduce themselves to him.

It was almost pretrified in place because of what was happening at that exact moment.

Zoe was throwing herself at Daniel, even though she wasn't that drunk, plus the fact that she was urging Daniel to take at least one sip of vodka.

As for Zack, he was being strangely nice, he was drunk so it made sense that he was like that, (although Daniel thought he was the aggressive drunk) and he was pushing Zoe and sitting next to Daniel, his original place was not there, but who cares about that in this situation?

Everyone there, except for Daniel, was minimally drunk, that was no doubt, Daniel didn't drink because he was underage and he likes to follow the rules, there's no need for more problems.(In my country, if your parents allow it, you can drink a little at 12 🧐🤨)

Despite everything being chaos, a guy who was with them, the blowjob guy, was bragging along with the guy with the topknot that they threatened a boy from the fashion department too, Jiho, and for him not to denounce them, they forced him to take a nude photo.

Daniel had already seen Jiho from afar, but had never paid much attention to him since he was almost never in classes or cafeterias (which were the only places Daniel went).

After that, Daniel was already mad at the constant smell of alcohol 70 from that shitty cheap Vodka that Zoe was trying to force Daniel to drink, and Zack, who despite being incredibly impossible, was the guy who was least annoying Daniel, who was with pity him than anger.

Daniel just got up, walked over to the guy's back, took the cell phone in his hand, and taking advantage of the fact that no one there was really sure what was going on, due to the drink, he took the opportunity to do something he would never do.

He broke the cell phone, no, he destroyed the fuckin cell phone with just one hand.

Everyone got scared there, except Zoe who was talking about how strong Daniel was, and Zack who had already passed out with his head on the table.

At that point everyone decided it was time for everyone to leave, with Zoe going first with the taxi, the one with the topknot and the chubby guy taking Zack home in another taxi and finally, Daniel walked home.

Dabiel was thinking about what had happened, maybe on Monday, go look for Jiho and try to solve his problem.

Daniel was never the aggressive one, but these days are really taking him to the limits of his patience, he is noticing things he would never have realized if he had continued in that hole of school, in that shitty life, in that shitty fuck of that pig body.

The same after locking the door, he took off his clothes, leaving only his underwear, and faced himself in the mirror, he would look at that mirror for at least 10 minutes until he went to get his cell phone to look at his old photos.

The same took one where he was being stepped on the floor of what appeared to be a public bathroom, and was completely beaten.

Daniel zoomed in on his photo and placed it facing the mirror, he looked at himself and looked at the photo, the date that his cell phone showed, was 2 days before leaving school, so there were no more doubts for Daniel, the same it had changed, and a lot.

He could now see the huge difference between his past self and his present self, even the skin tone is different, as if it was a complete body swap.

But even so, he was still the same, inside he didn't change, he was still a coward, despite what he did that night, and he plans to do it on Monday, the same is a coward, no matter what the situation, he is still a coward.

Even after all he achieved, he was still that dirty boy who was beaten in the public bathroom and nobody did anything.

Despite your external changes, what had changed internally? What did he lose and gain from all of this? Winning 2 fights was nice, but what if he is turning into a bully like Vasco had told him.

What if he was becoming arrogant? What good is a nice wooden box with dog shit in it?

The same was thinking about it when he decided to walk around, he didn't know where to go, he just needed to empty his head, think about his attitudes and what he could have done instead of certain choices.

He knew he hated allowing his past to affect him so much.

When he noticed that he was passing by the convenience store where he worked, there was no one at the checkout, in fact, there was no one in the store itself.

The same entered and heard nothing but the bell that was at the door of the store to warn when a customer was going to enter.

The same walked to the cosmetics area, there he found an antibacterial mask, and some first aid items, if he was going to get into a fight again, go prepared to get hurt (although he won't). 

In this, as there was no one at the cashier, he went through his own bills and paid, as soon as he was leaving the poja, he started to run home, he would get ready for what he intended to do.

But he realizes he's not quite ready when he realizes he forgot the cotton to help clean the injured area.

He knew a little bit about taking care of injuries, as he had to do it himself so as not to worry his mother.

But apparently he had lost a bit of his cool after spending so much time locked in his room without training or anything like that.

Despite that, intending to get better, he put on a mask from the box of masks he bought, and went to the small shop again, so maybe there will be someone there this time. 

When he was literally on the side of the store, he still had to go through an extremely dark alley, but when Daniel was almost finished going through it, he heard some strange noises and noticed a smell of cigarettes.

The same took a look and could see 2 larger silhouettes and a small one, the small one was clearly being threatened by the bigger silhouettes.

When Daniel entered the alley, he already thought he was crazy, it could be someone from a gang charging someone who made a loan, well it hoped to be that.

Instead, he saw the 2 guys who were with him at the bar, the blowjob guy and the tuft, Daniel knocked one of them down and threw the other one to the ring, they even tried to curse and get up to hit the person who had done it, but when they saw someone big and clearly strong, they despaired and ran away, maybe because of the mask they didn't recognize Daniel, but it's not like he cared about that.

Daniel turned around and helped the person up, Daniel saw that he was wearing the store's uniform, does that mean that since Daniel had come before, this person was being threatened and hurt here in this dirty alley?

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