The beginning...

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(I might call kokushibo koku sometimes cuz i do some of these in when i go out depend)

In the infinity casle

Kokushibo is walking through the infinty palace bored as usual (no clue if i spelt that right) then he srumbles upon uppermoon two and three,douma and akaza. He walks towards the rwo hoping to get entertained "Akaza~dono~" douma says nagging akaza

"Douma you already have the most annoying voice in the world and i cant punch you because koku is standing right there! So leave me be." Akaza says obviously annoyed, "Akaza i give you full permission to beat doumas' ass." I say because well i want to see douma get his ass beat. Akaza looked at me so damn surprised i thought he had seen a ghost. "Whats wrong? Normaly you'd start beating the living shit out of douma" i say very confused

"Well....normaly you dont just say that..even douma's shocked he turned completly white its just unusal well for you" Akaza said still a little shocked "oh well im bored out of my mind, so seeing douma get beat up sounds quite fun" i say now understanding why he was so shocked.

"W-wait Akaza~dono w-we xan talk about this-" Douma started before he got cut off by akaza choking the shit out of him i soon start chuckling over how funny douma looks while getting choked. Akaza stops after doumas face turned comepletly purple, Akaza then faces me smiles and says "Thanks for the free pass koku!" I reply with "No problen, you made my day" douma then says "not mine...".

Hi guys i know this didn't have have any kokuzan but its coming soon enough i just didn't have any ideas😢 so please whenever you guys have a sugestion please tell me on the comentssss


kokuzan for the win!!😍😋😋😍😍🤩Where stories live. Discover now