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Hola i stubbed my toe and i am in so much pain but oh well And we are in muzans pov still

"Wait-what...?" I say so confused on what koku meant....i then said "Nakime" and i teleported to my room, i sat on my bed and thought about what koku said, "does he acutally like me?.." "Maybe i can read his mind if hes' panicing hes' probably telling the truth" i then read his mind to indeed hear that koku is panicing kokus mind:'why the actual fuck would i think that, he's gonna fucking kill me!' Out of kokus mind: "what....? I won't kill be honest i liked him for a while now but i didn't wanna ruin the partnership we already have...."

ok now kokus' pov

"I have to calm down" i said while trying to find daki she knows about this more than me yeah i know i had a wife and all but i didn't really love her i just wanted the tsugukini(dont know if that is spelt right) bloodline to go on is all. I finally found dakis' room and knocked *knock knock knock* "hm?" Daki said as she opend the door, i looked to the left then the right and i rushed into the room and locked the door. "Whats wrong koku your not usually like this?" Daki said confused "DAKI I NEED YOUR HELP" i said panicing "WOAH WOAH WHATS WRONG??" daki said also now panicing "i said i liked muzan-sama and then immideatly ran here" i said finnaly calming down "you said you liked muzan-sama!?" She then said "Yes-" i said,daki then said "do you actually like him??" I replied with "Yes".

"GO TALK TO HIM" daki said "f-fine-" *DING* nakimes biwa strung and i got teleported right in front of muzan-sama.....I FELT MY FUCKING SOUL LEAVE MY BODY WHEN I SAW THIS MAN LOOK ME RIGHT IN MY SIX FUCKING EYES.
"Kokushibo." Muzan-sama said 'it's best i start praying cuase i AIN'T GONE SURVIVE' i thought again forgetting muzan-sama can read minds.

"Kokushibo come here." Muzan- sama said "y-yes Muzan-sama" i went cloaer to muzan-sama- What?? 'W-why is muzan-sama kissing me?-not that i don't like it but does he like me back...?' I thought as i melted into rhe kiss, "yes i like you back koku" muzan-sama said as he broke the kiss, at the time he said that i grew a very dark red all over my face and i kissed him again he also kissed back and then we broke it "does this mean we'er offical?" I asked and he nodded i then asked "can we cuddle then?" "Sure koku" muzan-sama replied we then sat on the bed and started cuddling till it was the next night.

Ok that was cute and i loved making that so yeah i have no more ideas so please if you guys have an idea tell me please and thanks bye bye


kokuzan for the win!!😍😋😋😍😍🤩Where stories live. Discover now