GAME NIGHT (just inviting tho)

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Hello!!! I missed you guys so muchhh i just got ho.e from school so i hope you guys enjoy this chapter cause i acually find my writing quite shitty cuz im not that good like at all so lets get this over with.

Dakis' pov

I was gonna go talk to oni-chan cause i felt bored and now its leading me to nowhere cause, I CANT FIND HIMMM after a few of what felt like YEARS i found oni-chan, i walked up to him and tapped his shoulder. "Oni-chan! There you are!" I said oni-chan only replied with "hey daki,do you need somthing?" "No im just boreddd" i said exajerating(not sure if spelt right) the 'bored' je looked at me and said "how about we play a game?" "Hmmm maybe but it would be boring with just the two of us" i said still extremelly bored "then we could invite the other moons including muzan-sama" he said that made my eyes light up! I shall no longer be bored! "Good idea oni-chan!" I said obviously excited.

"Im gonna call nakime so she can tell the others!" I said running off to find nakime, oni-chan just nodded and went somewhere i dont know where tho wonder where he went....anyways! Back to finding nakime!.

Nakimes' pov

I was sitting in the living room not really doing anything until i heard someone shouting my name,as the voice got closer i recconized who the person was daki "n-nakime!" An out of breath daki said "hm, yes daki?" I responded "can you help me invite the others to a game night?" She said i was quite intrested so i said "yeah sure" she sniled and i got up.

3rd person pov

Nakime and daki were walking for a bit looking for anyone to invite they were walking in a hallway and looked into the game room where they usally play games and they saw kokushibu,douma and akaza talking and suprisingly they were seeing kokushibo laughing,they walked in and douma immeadiatly noticed them and said "daki sweetie!my dear daughter! Tell kokushibo-dono and akaza-dono im not gay!" Douma said pouting, "dad, you ARE gay." Daki said quite proud. "Anyways! Icame to askif you guys want to join a game night?" Daki then continued "yeah i dont mind" akaza said kokushibo just nodded and douma said "ooooo~ sounds funn!" "Yay!" Daki said "c'mon nakime lets invite the others....except the disgusting fish creature" daki then continued "just to spite you im inviting him." Nakime said with a grin, "your so lucky your my second favourite..." daki said "oh c'mon! Dont be sad daki! He might have a mission!" Akaza said trying to cheer daki up "yeah guess your right" daki said and pulled nakime to go find the others to invite them.

Kaigakus' pov

I was sitting on a peach tree eating a peach, until i heard shouting in the distance i looked at where the shouting was coming from and i saw daki and nakime running over here well daki was running nakime was walking, daki ran up to the tree i was in and called out to me i answerd and she asked "hey kai! Wanna come to a game night??!!" She shouted probably cause i was on a tall tree, "yeah sure!" I replied i was actually a little intriuged(is this spelled right??)she simled and then turned and asked nakime something probably to teleport them back to the palace and with a *DING* they were gone i just decided to sleep for a bit.

Dakis' pov

"Ok lets go to muzan-sama and ask if anyone is out on any missons cause im not seeing anyone else" i said to nakime as we walked past oni-chan "what about your brother?" She asked "he came up with the idea he shall be there-

Gyutaros' pov

I heard daki say I am gonna be there i immeadiatly turned around and interupted her, "no im not gonna be there i just gave you the idea" "to bad to sad your coming" she said "no. Im not." I replied "kai's gonna be there~" she said in a teasing voice "....ill be there" i said as i started walking away.

Nakimes' pov

"Wow,that was something" i said as we stopped at muzan-samas' office. "Mhm" daiki hummed and nodded we both knocked on the door and muzan-sama answerd with "who is it and what do you want?" Daki then grunted and tried her hardest to sound like kokushibo and it was actually quite accurate, she said "um muzan-sama..its me kokushibo.." im surprised she can copy kokushibos' voice "come in koku!" I heard muzan-sama say happily like he wasn't in the mood to hear our thoughts so ignored it for kokushibo what favouritisim. We walked in and his face went from a happy smile to a disapointed frown.

Muzans' pov

So it wasn't koku....oh well
"What do you two want?" I asked they answered with "is anyone on a misson?" Daki asked "and will you please join us in a game night?" Nakime asked i answerd with "1. Gyokko and hentengu are on missons and will be back tommorow night. 2. Who will be there?" "Hmm kai,oni-chan,akaza,kok-" daki was saying till i inturupted "ill be there, now be gone." Both daki and nakime nodded and left and i was left there thinking about how i would get to see my one and only koku.

Holy moly my hands hurt oh well this was something soooooooo yeah cant wait to post the actual gane night so bye guys hope you enjoyed this!!!!

Words: 962

kokuzan for the win!!😍😋😋😍😍🤩Where stories live. Discover now