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Daki:how about put a finger down?


Everyone eles:sure/ok

Daki:ok imma go first...hmmm put a finger down...if cried during the titanic.




Kokushibo:really kai?

Kaigaku:shut up



Kokusibo:your lying

Muzan:no im not...

Kokushibo forces muzans finger down

Muzan:fuck you...

Kokushibo:technically it was the other way around but whatever makes you happy

Akaza:how are you not dead?


Kokushibo:he loves me too much

Muzan:shut up!


Daki:hmm oh well dad you go

Douma:oki put-

Daki:no the other dad



Doumas face is now redder than tanjiros hair

Akaza:o-ok um put a finger down if you have ever been friends with a hashira



Kokushibo:sadly yes


Daki:i dont think so


Gyutaro:does being nice count or-





Muzan:ok this is getting boring

Daki:hheeh how about we play seven minutes in heaven?


Daki:oki wait lemme just- *daki grabbed a bowl wrote everyones name down*

Daki:ok who shall go first?

Gyutaro:i will

Gyutaro picks a peice of paper out the bowl and its.....KAIGAKU gyutaro is now a blushing mess

Daki:hheeheh go go go in the closet now!

Daki pushes kaigaku and gyutaro in the closet so how bout we focus on them😏😏

In the closet

Gyutaro:...hey kai....i have sothing to sell you..

Kaigaku:hm?what is it?

Gyutaro:i-i l-l-like you..

Kaigaku:so do i

Gyutaro:no not like in a friend way in a romantic way....

Kaigaku:•///• o-oh um i-i l-like you to....



Kaigaku kisses gyutaro and as he does that the door opens

Daki:ohh lala~

Gyutaro breaks the kiss and is now redder than muzans blood

Kokushibo is now death glaring poor gyutaro

Daki:imma go next

Daki pulls a paper out the bowl and its nakime

Daki:yay i got nakime!

Daki and nakime go in the closet andddd

Daki:lets make out

Nakime:wait wha-?

Before nakime could finnish her sentence daki kissed her she slowly melted into the kiss and they made out for five minutes before pulling apart and waiting for two minites to pass

Kaigaku finnaly opened the door after two minutes daki walked out smiling and nakime walked out red like a tomato

Akaza:imma go

Akaza pulled out a paper that said douma he sighed and draged douma in the closet



Douma:look at me real quick


Akaza looked at douma and was shoked when he felt sothing cold on his neck it was doumas lips akaza blushed like crazy when he felt a strip of saliva trailing along his neck when douma pulled away he chuckeld at akazas reaction

Douma:hehe whats wrong akaza-dono?


A little later the door opened and everyone was laughing at akazas face

Muzan:guess me and koku will jist go in cuz there are only two more names in the bowl

Kokushibo nods

They both go in the closet and as soon as the doors close muzan hugs kokushibo and snuggles into his chest


Muzan:shut up

Kokushibo:ok fine

They stayed like that for a few minutes until muzan fell asleep and the 7 minutes were up they walked out the closet with kokushibo holding muzan he explained that muzan fell asleep and headed to muzans room/office he placed him on his bed and when he was bout to leave muzan pulled him into the bed and they cuddled the whole night.

The end thank gwad i need ideas so peeps please give me ideas bye bye im really busy rn im glad i was able to upload tho

kokuzan for the win!!😍😋😋😍😍🤩Where stories live. Discover now