True love?

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Hello peepsv( ̄︶ ̄)y so we are going to start another story(this one has the kokuzan dw) so lets start

After i finnished talking to akaza and helping douma a little i decided to head to the kitchen- *DING* Nakimes' biwa strang apperantly we had a meeting i immediaetly(dont know if i spelt that right)bowed down because i saw muzan-sama. 'I wonder if someone died?' I thought, then i heared muzan-sama start talking "Noone is dead which i am very happy about also you guys have killed many demon slayers so i am very proud." 'Oh really thought someone died' i thought as i was now wondering what this meeting is for if noone died, "So for a reward of you guys killing many demon slayers i think we should have a little party." '....who is this guy and what have they done with muzan-sama?' "Kokushibo i am fine" muzan-sama said suddenly, i keep forgetting he can read minds.

"Does anyone have questions?" Akaza raised his hand and said "if you dont mind me asking what kind of party?" Muzan-sama replied with "since i won't be there you all can decide." 'Then i wont be there' i thought i again forget muzan-sama could read minds..."why is that kokushibo?" I got starteld cause who wouldn't if their crush is speaking to them and exspeshily(dunno if spelt right) if their crush is their master who can easily kill them, i thought of some kind of excuse quick. "Oh, im just not intrested is all." That was close."ok then." Muzan-sama replied.

"This party will be held tommorow, this meeting is dismised" *DING* everyone went back to what they were doing like how i was gonna go to the kitchen, i started walking and then i ran into muzan-sama in all his glory, i bowed and he told me i could stand, i stood up and looked down at muzan-sama meanwhile he had to look up. I could feel my face getting a little red staring into muzan-samas' red ruby eyes, he soon noticed i was a little red and broke the silence "Koku are you alright? You look a little red" 'fuck, im done for' i thought, AGAIN FORGETTING ABOUT MUZAN-SAMAS' MIND READING. "What do you mean your done for koku? What are you hiding??" He asked 'Ok i gusse its tine to confess' "confess what." Muzan-sama said in a stern tone. Since i didn't wanna say it out loud, i said it in my mind and started running in the other direction.

"Wait- what.....?".

Hi peeps! So this is the end of this chapter i just came home from school and im so lazy but i remembered i had to finnish this so yeah bye hope you enjoyed!!!


kokuzan for the win!!😍😋😋😍😍🤩Where stories live. Discover now