First night in LA

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Colby's pov:
Me and Sam was currently on the plane.
Just talking about what places we wanted to exsplore and stuff.
" Well maybe we can go visit our old spots back in Kansas one day " he said smiling at me.
" Yeah, sounds fun" i said smiling back

*Skip to when they landed
We then went to the place we where going to be staying.

A while later the hole place was crowded full of people we didn't know. Ok it's party time i thought to myself walking over to the dance floor. Seeing a guy with Black hair and blue eyes. " Hey i'm Elton" he said reaching his hand out. " Hey, i'm Colby" i said shaking his hand.

We talked for a while until some other guys he knew came walking in.
He introduced us and we ended up talking for the rest of the night.

Arianna's pov:
I was sitting in bed looking for apartment's in Vegas when i saw a super cute one. Plus it wasn't that expensive.

And i actually bought it.
Omg i am moving out! I thought to myself.
I then went downstairs to get some boxes.
I got the boxes and went upstairs and started packing thinking of what i was tacking with me and what i wasn't.

About 3 hours later i was done.
It's now 2:45 pm. I was super tired so i just decided i would go straight to bed.

Colby's pov:
I was super late and everyone went home to their place and me and Sam went to our room that we had to share. Got ready for bed and both feel asleep pretty fast probably because we had traveled today and was partying for a while. Before i went to sleep i though about Arianna. I miss her so much.

*The next day

Arianna's pov:
I woke up the next day to my Parents and brother's standing looking at me.
" Where u going?" my oldest brother Ben asked pointing to the boxes.
" I'm moving out" i said looking at them.

" What?" my mom said looking at me.
" Um, yeah i found a place in Vegas and it was something i could afford and it's super cute." i said smiling at them.
" Oh. Congrats hunny" my dad said smiling.

" When u leaving?" Logan asked.
" Um, tomorrow" i said smiling.
" Already?" mom asked looking at me.
" Yeah why else would i have packed everything already ?" i asked looking at her.

" Well i think the moving truck is here" mom said looking out through the window.

" Oh, ok" i said getting up piking a box up starting to walk downstairs.

i walked outside and saw a man opening the back of the truck.
We all started to put the boxes in the truck and about 20 minutes later we were done.

Everyone helped me out.
And the man was on his way to Las Vegas.
Plus i had decided i would drive there even though i knew it would take almost  24 hours.

" Omg, thanks guys!" i said giving them a hug.
"Np" they all said at the same time.
" So what are u doing here Ben?" i asked.
" Well mom told me about Cole and i decided i would come visit u" he said smiling.

We all walked inside and started watching a movie. When the movie was over i went to take a shower and after that i went to sleep.

[ Word count- 575]

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