Moving again

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Colby's pov:
We walked inside to Arianna's apartment.
Wow she has the best view to the beach.
We then walked to her bedroom.

She was laying on the floor crying.
" Arianna u ok?" Sam asked.
She looked at us.
" Dude was this the reason u wanted to come here?" Sam asked smirking.
" Uh yeah." i said getting down on my knees and sitting down on the floor.

" Arianna?" i asked removing the hair from her face with my hands. She was crying.
" Hu?" she asked looking at us.
" Oh Colby."
she said  siting up and hugging me.
" Hey baby." i said hugging her back.
" Wait what?" Sam asked.
" Oh yeah we kinda got back together."
i said looking at him.
" Okay congratulations." he said.
" Oh can i tell sam about u know?"
i asked looking at her.
" Yeah." She said as she stopped crying.
" We are having a baby."
i said looking at Arianna.
" Wait what?" 
Sam asked looking at us shocked.
" Yeah i am pregnant."
Arianna said getting on my lap hugging me.
" Wait what?" Sam said.
" Yeah and she is moving in with us in our new house." i said looking at her smiling.
" Yeah." she said smiling.
" Well congratulations with that as well."
Sam said looking at us.
" Thanks."Arianna said looking at him.

We helped her pack and stuff.
When we were done we started putting them in my trunk. When we were done Arianna walked back upstairs again.
She went inside and changed.
Me and Sam sat in my car waiting for Arianna.

Arianna's pov:
I walked upstairs and changed into something more comfortable.
I changed into this

As i walked off my room i started feeling nauseous again

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As i walked off my room i started feeling nauseous again... I ran to the bathroom and started puking again.
When i was done i brushed my teeth and  walked outside like nothing happened.

Sam was filming probably for his vlog.
" Hey so me and Sam thought that local restaurant downtown would be worth a try." Colby said looking at me.
" Ok sure." i said.
" Yesss food!" Sam said looking at his vlog camera. Me and Colby just laughed.
Gosh i have missed these boys.

We got to the restaurant.
It was a cute little balcony and some trees outside.
There was also some tables there as well.
It wasn't many people there either so that was perfect. We walked inside and saw a lady standing talking to somebody.
She showed them their table and then walked back to us.
" Hello, do u have a reservation?"
she asked looking at us smiling.
" Um yeah Golbach." Sam said smiling at her.
" Oh u already.." i whispered to Colby.
" Yeah." he said smiling.
" Sam Golbach table for 3?" she asked.
" Uh yeah." he said looking at her.
" Nope 4." Colby whispered to me.
I just looked at him and laughed.

" Ok fallow  me guys."
the woman said walking to a table in the back.
It had a nice view to the beach.
The sun was setting soon. We sat down.
The boys sat down next to each other while i sat down on the other side of the table.
" Here is ur menu's. And let me know when ur ready to order." she said sending us a warm smile before walking away.
" Ok thanks." we all said.

We looked at the menu...
" Oh they have mac and cheese."
Sam said looking at the menu.
" Yeah." Colby said. 
" I think i wanna get the grilled cheese."
Sam said looking at us.
" Hey have u decided?"
the woman asked walking up to us.
"  I will have the perfect pasta."
Colby said looking at the waitress.
" Ok." she said noting it down.
" And i will get the mac and cheese."
Sam said looking at her.
" Ok, and u young lady?"
she asked looking at me in a creepy way.
" Uh.. the salad party."
i said looking at the table.
" And drinks?" she asked.
" 3 waters please." Sam said looking at me.
" Okay." she said walking away.

Colby probably saw i was looking uncomfortable. Because he moved over to my side of the table.
" U ok Baby?" he asked.
" Better now." i said hugging him.
" It's okay." he said kissing my forehead.

A while later our food came.
I didn't touch my salad cause i had a bad feeling... I didn't even drink my water.
The boys ate their food and then we left..

Only one thing was stuck in my head.
Who was that lady?
And was she trying to poison me?
We drove to LA.

We walked in to our new house.
" Wow that is huge." i said looking at him.
" Me and baby." i said running upstairs to the room at the end of the hallway.
" Hey we are sharing."
Colby said running after me.
" Fine." i said looking out the window.
We started building our bedroom and setting our stuff somewhere.

We got done and just decided to sleep there for the night.

Colby's pov:
We had gotten back to LA.
We started getting me and Arianna's room ready. Sam was in his room getting it ready as well. We were tired and just sleept there for the night. All the roommates was staying here as well. So Aaron, Elton, Corey, Sam, me 
and Arianna.

Word count - 881

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