Am i pregnant?

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Arianna's pov:
I woke up and decided i would just take the test 5 minutes later i flipped it over.
" Fuck!" i said to myself as i broke down in tears. I wanted to call mom but i was scared she would be mad.
My outfit

But i called anyway

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But i called anyway.

On the phone
A = Arianna M= Mom.

A: Hey mom!
M: Hey honey!
A: Is anyone whit u right now?
M: Uh yeah Colby's mom why!
A: Can u step out of the room really quick?!
M: Sure
M: What's up?
A: Mom?!

I said as i cried harder.

M: What is it honey?
A: I'm pregnant!

i said crying even harder.

M: Omg do Colby know?
A: No i will ruin his career and i don't want that to happen.
M : So are u keeping it?
A: Yeah!
M: Ok, well i have to go now. Congratulations btw.
A: Thanks!
M: Bye, i am here to talk if u need someone ok?
A: Ok, bye!

I said as i hung up. I slid down the wall crying once again. "I miss Colby!" i said crying more.

Ur mom's pov:
I walked back into the room again and looked at pat who was looking at me worried.
" Um so Arianna is pregnant" i said as a tear rolled down my cheek." Is it Colby's?" she asked. " Yeah!" i said as i sat down next to her again. " Oh no!" she said as a tear rolled down her cheek as well.
We both just sat there talking about what we could do now and both decided we wouldn't tell Colby.

Arianna's pov:
I walked back to bed and started watching some tv as i cried again.

Word count- 288

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