Second kid

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Arianna's pov
After trying for a while, we finally got pregnant again. We were really excited about it.

We were currently at the hospital.
Maya was at Sam's place for the night.
It was harder than last time.
Colby was really supportive so it's was okay.
He was currently holding my hand.
" And one last push." the doctor said.
I pushed all i had.
At 4:35 our second child was born.
The doctor looked at us with a weird look.

" Um i am sorry but.. the baby is um dead."
she said looking at us.
" What?" Colby said looking at the doctor as he started crying.
" I am so sorry." she said looking at us.
" No." Colby said crying even more.
I patted for him to sit next to me.
He did and cuddled up to me crying.
I didn't say anything i just sat there staring at my legs. I was also crying.
Thinking of 3 hours ago.

3 hours ago
My water just broke. And i was laying on the couch waiting for the ambulance. While Colby was at Sam's apartment dropping off Maya.
" Hey Sarah the ambulance is here now."
Colby said piking me up.
" Okay." i said kissing him.

4 months ago
" She is killing me." i said holding my back.
" Sorry." Colby said laughing.
" It's okay." i said running to the bathroom because i had to pee.

I looked at Cole who was currently sleeping the doctor's had left.
I thought of maya and how sad she was going to be when we told her what happened.
Well i am glad we got to bury her. I mean back in the days they wouldn't even tell them we're the baby's got buried.
And they would put them in the coffin with a complete stranger.
Tears was running down my face.
I felt numb. I couldn't move.
It's like my depression just boom.
" I am back bestie." i don't want it to be back.
I have a kid. I can't deal with this right now.

I remember before i meet Colby my depression was at it's worst. It was so bad i even tried to kill myself. But the bullet didn't work.
My brother Ben found me and drove me to the hospital he was 18 at the time.
We never told anyone not even mom neither dad. Then i meet Colby. He saved me.

Some days later we could leave the hospital. We hadn't told anyone about the kid.
We were outside Sam's door now btw.
Colby knocked on the door.
His eyes were red from all the crying.

" Hey." Sam said smiling as he opened his door. The smile quickly faded when he looked at Colby and Me.
" Hey, is Maya awake?" i asked looking at him.
" Uh yeah, do u guys wanna come in or?"
Sam asked.
" No thanks." Colby said looking at me.
" Mommy, Daddy!" i heard Maya say as she ran towards us.
" Hey princess." Colby said piking her up.
" Daddy where is sissy?"
she asked looking at me then Colby
" We will talk about it when we get home k?"
Colby said looking at her.
" Okay." she said smiling. Sam looked at me with a (ohh i am so sorry) look.
I just nodded as a thank u.

We went home and sat down on the couch with Maya. " Baby?" she asked.
" Oh okay so.." Colby said tearing up.
Looking at me with a (Can u please tell her) look." She died, i am so sorry. I know u were really excited about it.."

Word count-599

If u like this story go check out my new story about Mike's dead.
It's called  (Drowning in love)

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