Moving by ourselves

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Arianna's pov
We had just moved to a apartment in LA.
Me, Colby and Maya.
Sam lived down the hallway from us.
Corey had bought a house and i don't know what happened to Aaron. But i know Jake also lives down the hallway as well.

Maya was laying on the couch watching
Peppa pig with Colby.
" Here u go."
i said handing Maya her water bottle.
" Thanks mommy." she said smiling.
" U welcome sweetheart."
i said walking to the kitchen.
I got a bottle of water for Colby.
" Colby catch." i said throwing it at him.
He got it on first try. " Nailed it."
Colby said opening his water bottle.
" Good." i said smiling at him.

I walked over to them sitting down beside Colby. Snuggling up to him.
" What do u guys wanna do today?"
i asked looking at them.
" Umm... visit Brennen." Maya said smiling.
" Hey Maya, Brennen is my boyfriend."
Colby said laughing.
" No mine." she said giving him a sassy tone.
" Ok, he is ur's" Colby said laughing.

Brennen stormed inside.
" Hello princess Maya." Brennen said running over to her picking her up.
" Brennen." she said laughing.
" Do dordo druhu."
Colby sang as the new episode played.
I just laughed at him.
" Oh, Peppa pig." Brennen said sitting down on the couch next to us.
Maya laughed as she started tickling him.
" Hey." he said laughing.
As he started ticking her.
" Brennen." she said laughing.

I got off Colby and went to the bathroom to do my business.
When i came back the all had a tickling fight.
" Dad help me." Maya said laughing.
" Coming princess."
he said helping her take Brennen.
I just laughed sitting down on the counter.

We all hung out for a while until we got hungry and decided we would get some food.
When we were done we went home.
I took her upstairs..

" Ok Goodnight babygirl."
Colby said kissing Maya on the cheek.
" Night Daddy." she said smiling.
Maya and i went to her room, i laid her down in her bed.
" Night princess." i said kissing her forehead.
" Night mommy." she said closing her eyes.
I smiled looking at her sleeping peacefully.

I walked to the kitchen.
" She sleeping?"
Colby asked walking up from behind me wrapping his hands around my waist.
" Uh yeah." I said turning around kissing him.
Kissing him again more passionate.
" Ohhh." he said piking me up.
And walking to the bedroom.
" Colby, Maya." i said laughing at him.
" Right." he said turning around and walking to the living room.
" Movie?" i asked.
" Avengers." Colby said looking at me.
" Yeah." i said smiling.
We watched the movie and went to bed.
We cuddled up to each other.

Word count - 456

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