Welcome to the NUS NCR

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Early 2297 

The NUS is powerfull now with a lot of territory but it needs more so the general one eyes and sapper sam head west to NCR capital shady sands.The group with infantry get into a truck and head west to the NCR,a few weeks later they reach Arizona and kept heading west and reach Hover Dam, the general talks to guard and head to California,They make it to California and talk to the president and convince him to join the NUS by giving the NCR more vechiles,and giving the president governorship over California/NCR territory and immediately the NUS has 10 million civilians and has a army of 100,000 10,000 of which rangers or ranger related units and a air force of 5,000.A navy of 20,000 10,500 of which are marines and the rest are army. The NUS had 5 more ships,2 cargo 1 of which was turned into a war ship/aircraft carrier 1 ship made for the NCR 1 transport from prewar and a prewar warship.200 more aircraft(20 transport planes 80 prop planes and 100 vertibirds) and is turns the first transport squadron into the 2nd transport Air Force and the 80 prop planes help make the 1st recon squadron and. A new school is created to make more NUS rangers. The New United States is the largest army in the North American wastelands or even the world.

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