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February 5th tomorrow is February 5th ,it has been a year since I have founds Hardins writings for his book and the last time I seen him was almost 2 months ago on Christmas and it was awkward to say,we wore on different ends of the table and I distracted myself with baby Abbey but I could feel him- "Tessa"I'm snapped out of my thoughts "Landon I didn't even hear you come in"I still share an apartment with Landon but him and Nora are very serious and I assume they will probably want to find there own place soon but I don't even want to think about that till it happens

"Is everything ok"he ask me sitting on the opposite couch "ye everything is fine"I tell him "Tess I know you and I know what day it is tomorrow"he gives me a small smile "I don't know what to do"

"What do you mean"he ask me "should I say happy birthday to him or I don't know"

"When was the last time yous spoke I know when he was here 3 weeks ok you went to see your mom a bit of a coincidence don't you think"he smirks at me "uh..I"I stumble my words "I just thought it would be a good idea to see her it just happens to be the weekend Hardin came to New York"I tell him "And the last time I spoke to him was Christmas but it was more of small talk then anything"

"You sure about that"he ask "Trust me I'm sure"

I go up to the bathroom to wash myself after dinner,Karen made the most beautiful dinner for us Hardin turned up ,I heard from Landon well I basically made him tell me Hardins Christmas plans, he was meant to fly to London to his mom but flights got cancelled due to the heavy snow so he is here and I didn't know if I wanted to come but well I had no where else "Landon hurry up"I hear from outside the bathroom no Hardin thinks it Landon in here oh god why did this have to happen now ,me and Hardin haven't said a single word to each other all day I quickly wash my hands "Finally I'm fucking...Tessa"his eyes go wide when he sees it's me and not Landon "Sorry I Landon was in there" he says nervously

"It's fine"I tell him and there is an awkward silence I try my best for my eyes not to meet his "how have you been"He asks me "I'v been good you"

"Good you know"he just shrugs his shoulders "that's good I'm I..I'm going to go back down..now"I tell him and turn around "Tess..Tessa"I hear him call me as I make my way down the stairs I turn my head back "Merry Christmas"he has and something happens that I haven't felt in month..feelings for him "you to Hardin Merry Christmas"I say and I make my way down the stairs I can't help the smile that appears on my face,as I get to the bottom of the stairs I hear the bathroom door shut.

Hey guys new story I decided to write basically the missing time that wasn't written in the book and that we didn't get to see.Short chapter for now because I want to see if yous would be interested in me continuing it please let me know 👇

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