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"Tessa what are you doing here did something happen at your moms are you ok "I can't believe she is standing at the door right now I'm in shock and she looks confused "no actually I'm going to stay the night because we have an early flight tomorrow"she tells me "Tessa your here how was the drive"Landon ,Karen and Ken appear behind me "It was fine no traffic"she smiles to them

"Tessa I haven't seen you in weeks"Karen hugs her "I have missed you around my little assistant baker"Karen says making them laugh and they go towards the kitchen ,so everybody knew she was coming but me ?

I debate if to follow them into the kitchen or not but I decide not to I just go straight up to my room.I take my notebook out of my bag and just write everything in it I'm feeling and this one won't get turned into a book this is just for me and my eyes only.

I didn't even realise I fell asleep I open my eyes and the room is dark 11pm great no sleep for me tonight I assume everyone else asleep of at least in there rooms because the house is really quiet,I make my down as quietly as I can I keep forgetting there is a baby in the house ,I decide to go out to the patio I need fresh air I look up at the top of the house and all the lights are of so Tessa has to be sleeping no I have no chance of talking to her until god knows when I lay back on the lounge chair just looking up at the sky I don't know what's happening to me lately but I feel like life is just not real like something is missing as if I'm going in the right direction but I'm not at the same time if that makes sense

"Hardin is that you"A soft voice says and i jump up immediately "Tessa"

"I was just coming down for water and I seen the patio door open.."she takes a step outside "what are doing out here"she asks me looking around "just thinking looking at the sky...we should talk"I blurt out and she nods her head and sits on the chair beside me "Tessa I want to apologise for the way I acted I truly am sorry"I tell her honestly "Hardin you can't just say sorry and expect everything to be ok the way your acted wasn't right every time I see you I don't want it to end in an argument I can't do it anymore we are ...not together "she hesitates a bit as she says the last bit "I know Tessa I just I just...I couldn't help it ok and I'm been honest I will never not be jealous of any guy your with I just can't I'm sorry and I don't want to be arguing with you either I really don't "I say and she just looks at me

"I don't want to keep dwelling on this or go round and round about the same thing every time I want us to be civil I want us to be in the same room and it not be awkward I want to be able to be at family and friend events together and people not tip toe around us I want us to be able to be around each other and argue after one of us says something.... I just want us to get along I do"I say silent as she speaks until I can tell she is done

"Tessa that's what I want I do I really do"I reach for her hand thinking she will pull away but she doesn't "and I'm sorry for the rude things I also said to you that night I know none of it was true I have been trying my best not to react like that anymore sometimes I just don't let my emotions out enough so it can all build up that's the first time in months I acted like that and I know you probably won't believe me"

"Why would I believe you Hardin I am so proud of you I really am how far you have come is amazing it really is"she smiles at me and I just smile back "so are we friends again"I ask her and she takes a deep breath "I guess we are"she stands up so I stand up also as I do she reaches her arms out hugging me it takes me a moment to wrap my arms around her,holding her tight I haven't been this close to her in months to hold her I know it's not going to last long because it's me and Tessa it's as if the universe try's to pull us apart.

"Your freezing"I say to her as I feel her shivering against me and she just nods we link each to her as we walk inside I know we aren't going to be getting back together tonight but I feel like it's a really good step for us we silently walk up the stairs together until we get to our rooms "I guess this is goodnight"She says to me "good night Tessa"we go in for another hug and before I realise my lips are on hers after a few seconds we both pull back staring at each others before we both go straight back in again.

Our bodies just mold together as if we haven't been apart I hear her moan as the kiss gets deeper and we hold each other deeper ,I can feel my self pressing against her and I know she can to,I pick her up and she wraps her legs around me and I make my way into my room without even breaking the kiss,we fall back onto the bed Tessa straddling me I can't help but bite her lip and she sucks in a sharp breath ,I just need her now as she starts to run her fingers through my hair I suck on that spot on her neck she loves she pulls away and I can see the flushed red cheeks and the lust in her eyes and I'm sure I look the same "we should stop"she says climbing of me both of us out of breath and she lays back on the bed and I lie beside her ,I'm on my side as she is looking up at the ceiling
"That was-"she starts and I stop her "I know"I say and she turns to look at me and she just closes her eyes moving closer to me and in a few moments I can tell she is a sleep so I pull the blanket over us been respectful as the gentleman I am and leaving some space between us....


I open my eyes and I feel someone behind me I turn my head and it's Hardin so it wasn't a dream   Oh no what time is it 4:50 good I lay here for a minute just looking at his face as he sleeps peacefully to be honest I'm surprised we stopped at a kiss I quietly get up from the bed and leave the room trying not to make any noise as I shut the door "Tessa"

"Oh my Landon you scared me"I put a hand on my chest "isn't that Hardin's room"he questions me "um I...don't judge"I say and he just smiles shaking his head and heading into the bathroom oh god I go into my room there is not point in going back alseep I have to start getting ready soon anyway for our flight back I really do hope he doesn't bring this up on the plane because I don't even know how to explain how it happened I don't even know what to think of it myself.

How long do you think them been on good terms will last 🤣🤣🙊

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2023 ⏰

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