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"I'm so drunk"I try shout over the music to Nora "I am to but I still need more"she laughs grabbing my hand and we make our way to the bar for our...probably I don't know how many drinks we had but a lot I haven't been this drunk in sooo long "hiii can we have 2 double vodka cranberries"Nora shouts over to the bar man "double?"I question I don't know how much more I can drink "it will be fine these will do us"

"Here you go ladies your double vodkas and round of shots"the barman places our drinks in front of us "oh we didn't order those"I point out and he points to the end of the bar "oh my-

"Robert"I cut Nora of and she squeezes my arm "I didn't know yous wore here until I seen yous stumble the bar"he gives both of us a hug "Robert excuse you we are not that drunk"Nora slurs "I believe you Nora"he laughs "Anyway what brings yous out tonight you look great by the way Tessa"
He says and I blush "Thank you..and girls night"

"You know us girls we always are down for a night out"Nora cuts in "I have a table there my friends are about to leave but if you guys don't mind me joining in on your night"

"Umm"I try to say before Nora stops me "we would love that you know us two girls aren't safe on our own"I know what she is doing "great it's just here"we all take our shot and follow him over to his table
"I need to go the bathroom I'll be back in a moment"

"I'll come to"I follow Nora she is not leaving me here on my own "Tessa this is a sign"she grabs me into the bathroom stall "I know I'm drunk an and you are to but he is so hot Tessa and he definitely likes you"

"I don't know"

"What's there not to know,if you don't give him a chance you wont know your single Tessa"Even in this drunken state I can't help but you know think of him "Let's just go back out and enjoy ourselves"she smiles to me "just remember if someone tries to kiss you you should do it"she skips ahead of me and I catch up with her.We make our way back to the table and Robert has gotten another round of drinks for us "Robert such a gentleman"Nora says and I sit on the other side beside Robert and I can see her smirk while she drinks her drink she is right I am single I shouldn't be holding my self back I know I don't exactly want to date right now but she is right I won't know until try even though I know I want Hardin seeing him today..it just messes my head and I know Robert likes me I can tell by the way he acts he has never actually tried anything.

We all continue to drink and talk "I need to go the bathroom"Nora side eyes me and I shake my head no "I'll be back in a minute"she tells us and now it's just me and Robert "So how are you"he ask me "Well not much as changed since I seen you last week"I joke making him laugh "Well if your answer is the same as last week then good glad your doing good"he tells me

How much longer do you want to stay Landon says he will come get us if you want

"Ummm I think I might stay here a bit longer if that's ok ???

Tess are you kidding me YESSS stay

"Nora is going to go home now I don't know if your staying longer or going home?"I ask him "I'm down to stay here"he tells me and we both smile to each other


"I don't think this is a good idea"I tell Landon as we pull up outside this bar "we are only here to get them"he says and we get out of the car walking towards the doors and Nora comes stumbling out looking shocked when she sees me "Hardin your here"she says looking to Landon "yes he came in the car with me..is everything ok"he questions her "No everything is fine let's go"she tries to get in front of us

"Nora where is Tessa"Landon asks her "She is..not coming home yet"she looks to me "why who is she staying there with"I can't help but ask "you know it's not really my place to say let's just get in the car I need food I'm starving...oh wait I forgot my bag"she runs back and I can't help but follow her she doesn't even notice me behind her I spot Tessa and who is that beside her...Robert Tessa turns her head towards Nora but she sees me and her eyes go wide and I see Nora quickly Turing back towards me "let's go"she says talking my hand and for once I listen to someone and follow her out.

"Is everything ok"Landon asks as we both get in the car "no"I say huffing like I am a child "Why?"he questions and  Nora stays quiet "Tessa is in there with Robert"

"Oh"he says not shocked at all "what do you mean oh are you not worried she is in there with him"I ask him "well Nora,him and Tessa all work together so I'm not really shocked there all friends"

"Friends just friends"

"Well what I know yes"he tells me "let's get over it Tessa is having a drink with a friend not the end of the world"Nora states and turns up the radio if this was a couple of years ago I would've cussed her out.

Hardin and Tessa The Missing year Where stories live. Discover now