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It's Easter weekend me and Landon have flown back to Washington I'm going to my moms and Landon is going to his then I will travel back to Ken and Karen's before we fly out together the next day ,I know it sounds complicated but it works out after me and Hardins fight we haven't seen each other or spoke or text nothing he has come to New York maybe three times and I haven't seen him either times I know Landon has gone to see him and I don't really question him much when he comes back Nora usually let's it slip.

"I'll see you in 2 days"Landon says as we hug goodbye at the terminal "see you in 2 days"I watch him leave the doors and I wait inside for my mom she told me she would pick me up but is running late in traffic and wouldn't be here for another 20 minutes at least.I do find it strange been back here I have grown up here my entire life and I know I always had planned to move to Seattle but once I did it just didn't feel right but now that I'm in New York I have to say it feels like home I definitely could see myself living there in the future.

"Tessa"My mom hugs me our relationship has gotten much better on the past year and I'm glad "your hair has gotten brighter have you dyed it"one thing about my mom she notices if I do anything different "I just got it a bit lighter"I'm waiting for her to make a comment about how she doesn't like it "I like it it suits you"she tells me I did not expect that once we get in the car I'm so tired it's 8pm and we have been travelling all day I put my headphones on because I'm not in the mood for my mom to be asking me everything that's been happening in detail right now but tomorrow at dinner I know she will be.I turn my headphones up slightly and just shut my eyes.


I got to my dads this morning and I know Landon is going to be here soon so it's just me,Karen and baby Abbey "Hardin it is so nice having you around I know how busy you have been"She tells me "Well you know me I'm a family man"I joke and she turns around just smiling she is over preparing dinner I have to say she really is a good cook "so any new books coming out soon of us it just After for the moment"

"Right now it's just After I haven't really focused on any other book"I say and am distracted by a crying noise coming through the monitor that would bleed anyones eardrums "oh I have to get that"Karen says trying to wash the food of her hands "I can..get her if you want"I offer I can see her panicking "would you mind Hardin thank you so much"she tells me and I make my way up the stairs I walk into their bedroom to find abbey standing in her crib "hello are you looking for your mummy"I try talk soft to her and her lip quivers as he reaches her hands up "mam mama"she babbles as we make our way down the stairs her face lights up as she sees Karen's face "hello my beautiful baby"

"Ahh ya mama"she squeals as Karen talks to her I'm not really sure what to do with her I just sit back down with her on my lap "I think she is hungry Hardin do you mind feeding her"

"Of course not"I tell her and she hands me a small bowel with baby mush and a little plastic spoon I laugh as I try to give her a spoonful and she makes a disgusted face and sticks out her tongue in disgust I copy her facial expressions making her laugh "let me try"I pretend to put some in my mouth "mmm this is nice you want to try"I put some more and the spoon and hand it to her "mmm"she says copying me and I give her more

"Wow how on earth did you get her to eat this"Karen laughs "she will never eat this when I make it"she says and I smile.

"I'm home"My dad shouts in and Abbeys eyes light up and claps her hands "there is my my little girl"she puts her arms out to him and he picks her up "you got her to eat her food"My dad says to Karen and she looks to me "Acutely it was Hardin who got her to eat it"she tells him "Hardin you want to move back in here and feed her everyday"he jokes and I stand up "as much as I love the little booger no thanks I'm good"I say making them laugh "it was worth a try" he laughs "I'm just going to wash up"I tell them and leave

I knock on Landon's door before I walk in just incase he is doing any weird shit "Hardin hey"he says as I walk in the room "how was your flight"

"I slept for most of it so that was good"he says "you really want to know about Tessa"he said which is true "I thought she was going to be coming to dinner"I tell him "she is gone to her moms I'll meet her at the airport when we fly home"

"Oh..why didn't she come here" "well we know her Mom is religious and stuff so she cares about this holiday and she was going to be alone Tessa didn't want that"

Me and Tessa haven't spoken since that fight we had and I don't really want to think back on it I over reacted I know I did so that's why I was kinda hoping to see her this weekend to talk and apologise the minute I got one the plane I regretted leaving without talking to her I just did it in the moment without thinking and I was going to talk to her the last 3 times I have been in New York but I didn't see her one of course she found her self stuff to do so as don't see each other and now I feel like I ruined things for us..again

Two chapters coming out tonight as I won't be able to post again until Monday :)

Hardin and Tessa The Missing year Where stories live. Discover now