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Make sure to read part six before you read this one


I made sure to look well put together today even if it's only me and mom it's the way she likes thing I helped her all morning to prepare a dinner for the both of us ,before we eat we head to church we spent two hours there as my mom spoke to everyone she knew and I just follow behind her smiling as me go.

We get back to the house and freshen my self up for dinner Landon's sends me a photo of him and Abbey all dressed

She is the cutest can't wait to see her later

we can't wait to see you Karen said she will leave you dessert :) :)

yay tell her thank you and I will see yous later

I know Hardin is there but Landon told him I won't be coming to the house just straight to the airport tomorrow to go home but I actually am staying in Ken and Karen's for the night because our flight is early tomorrow morning and I don't really want to get up earlier then I have to "Teresa dinner"my mom calls me she usually calls me Tessa now but every so often a Teresa pops out ,I make my way out to the kitchen my mom has fresh flowers laying on the table it's really nice.

"Tess we have t really spoke much since you got here is everything ok"is the first thing she asks as we begin eating "yeah you know I'm used to the time one of the East Coast now now this one so just a little tired"

"And how has work been"She doesn't really like me working in a restaurant she doesn't really say it but I can tell "it's good really busy there...I actually got into NYU starting on the fall"I have been waiting to tell her in person "oh you did that is great I'm very proud"she tells me and I can tell she means it "Thank you I can't wait I was starting to think all the work I was doing was for nothing"

"You work extremely hard and I know for years I put a lot of pressure on you but I just wanted was the best for you and look it worked out"she smiles to me and continues eating "How is Landon doing are him and..."

"Nora"I remind her "oh yes Nora are they still together"I know what question is coming up "that's great Landon seems like a great boy and is Hardin still around"she knows we had broken up and about the book and everything she was so angry at him she called him cussing him out but I assume she thinks we got back together I assume everyone thinks that "no..we are actually it I have spoken to him in a while"I tell her and I was waiting for a happy look that we aren't together but instead she looks sort of...shocked and sad "oh"she just says and continues eating I don't really question her and just continue to eat mine.Once I'm done I help her clean up and I head down to my room to pack my stuff up to leave I have a quick shower and put something comfy on it's almost 5pm and I won't get to Karen and Ken's for at least an hour.

"Goodbye mom"I hug her as I go to leave and she hugs me tightly "please come back soon"she says to me and it sounds like she is about to cry "of course I will mom"

"Make sure you do it can get a bit lonely around here"we just stand there continuing hugging until she finally lets go "text me when your get there safely"she smiles to me as I get into my car.I switch on the radio and just listen to some random chat show for the drive and of course they are talking about relationships great.

I'm just pulling I now I text Landon as I make my way up the drive way


I go up stairs to wash myself of after dinner and as I make my way down the stairs I notice someone at the the door everyone is here I don't know who it is

"Tessa" "Hardin" we both say at the same time when I open the door....

Hardin and Tessa The Missing year Where stories live. Discover now