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I woke up at 5am this morning the last time I spoke to Hardin was on his birthday 3 weeks ago and today he is coming to New York of course for some strange reason the restaurant has given me Friday to Friday of which never happens but apparently I have holiday hours I need to yous and it just happened to be the weekend Hardin is coming.

I spend my morning cleaning the apartment and taking a nice long hot shower to try clear my head "Tessa are you stress cleaning "Landon teases me "No I just like to keep things clean"
"Okkk"he jokes "so anyway I have to collect Hardin from the airport so I'll be back in about an hour"He tells me and I just nod "Tessa your in a funk"Nora laughs "I'm not in a funk I'm perfectly fine"

"Girl I know when someone is in a funk and you are..you know what we need a girls night"she suggest "we could get dressed up and have drinks it will be so fun"she claps her hand "oh I d-"she cuts me of "nope no excuses Tessa I know you don't have work and knowing you your caught up on your college work come on please Landon has plans with Hardin anyway don't you"she nudges him"oh ye we do.."I know there lying but a drink does sound good "so what do you say" "ok fine yes I'll go out"

"Yay I'm so excited we are going to have such a good time... ok I need to run out I'll see you later"she kisses Landon goodbye and he smiles "I'm going to go"he leaves a few moments later.A girls night will be good for me I'm an adult now and this what I should be doing enjoying myself.

It's been about two hours since Landon left he should have been back by now and I only know that because I tracked Hardins flight and it arrived on time.Nora keeps texting me how excited she is and how drunk we are going to get,She let's me knows she will be over at 6 for pre-drinks and at around 5 I start to get ready ,I wonder were Landon and Hardin are it's been hours and I don't really want to ask Nora because..I just don't.

I hear the door open at around 5:30 "your here early"I say as I walk out of my room "No it's us"Landon says him and Landon are standing there and of course I only have a towel wrapped around me ,well at least my makeup and hair is done "Tessa hi"Hardin clears his throat as he tries not really to look away from my face "we got food if you want some"Landon says "No thanks I ate already"

"You sure you don't want to be going out on an empty stomach"he laughs "your going out tonight"Hardin asks "ye me and Nora are going out for drinks"I tell him and remember I'm still standing here in my towel "I'm going to go get ready"I excuse myself and go back to my room sos I text Nora  I'm 5 minutes away don't worry

I finished getting dressed and I hear Nora come in "Well look who's here"she says to Hardin I can just hear a lot of muttering and stuff and Nora comes in my room she isn't dressed yet "you look so hot"she says "love it let me put my dress on I need help with the zipper"she asks me "so what happened when they arrived"she asks as she steps into her shoes "so basically I thought it was you and it wasn't it was Landon and Hardin and all I had on was a little towel wrapped around me"

"Did he look at you"she turns around smirking "yes..of course he did"I smile "good look at us both we are ready"we says and opens my bedroom door and both Hardins and Landon's faces drop when we walk out "to us having the best night"she pours us both a glass of champagne "I have a cab ordered it should be here any minute let's go"Hardin didn't say much when we wore there he just ate his food and him and Landon talked.

"Did you see there faces as we walked out haha they liked what they saw and good make him jealous"she laughs and the cab pulls away "I'm so ready for another drink"I tell him "me to we are getting drunk tonight"

Hardin and Tessa The Missing year Where stories live. Discover now