Chapter 6: Power Hungry

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Chapter Song: "Mama Said Knock You Out" -Five Finger Death Punch


"Oh no!" Emily cried, scooping Candy into her arms. "I'm sorry Pop, but we have to go!"

"There's no need to apologize, saving the world comes first," said the pixie. "We need to hurry up before it's too late!"

You and the girls all nod and grab your glitter pacts. Straightaway, you follow the others to one of the wooden bookshelves in the small library. Emily moves one row of books to the right and another set below to the left. The glowing pink portal appears after she separates the books situated above in two different directions. When everyone is getting ready to leave the secret base, you glance back at the table to where your school bag was.

"Don't worry, we'll come back and get our belongings later!" April assured. You send her an appreciative smile before returning your attention to the portal. As soon as a blinding light flashes from its entrance, you and everyone else get pulled inside.

Once more, your group is propelled through the mysterious rainbow funnel. This means of transportation wasn't as frightening as the first time, mostly because you now knew what to expect. Nevertheless, you still scream and flail your arms the entire time until safely arriving on the other side. You and the other Glitter Force members land on your feet and take in the environment.

The first thing that catches your eye is the sky above, which somehow transformed from a cerulean blue to a light red color. There was also the strange addition of dark-striped clouds scattered overhead. None of the surrounding restaurants, shops, and business centers had been tampered with, but the same couldn't be said about the townspeople. Droves of them lay unconscious on the adjacent sidewalks, filling the empty streets with anguished cries and pessimistic remarks. Large concentrated waves of negative energy were pouring out of them and getting sucked into an open book, which was in the possession of a red troll you recognize as Brute. "Yes! Keep it coming, folks! I want more of that delicious negative energy!"

"The only delicious thing you'll be having is a knuckle sandwich!" Kelsey yelled.

Brute directs his eyesight towards her and groans. "Ugh, not again! Why do you Glitter girls always have to ruin my fun? I'm not in the mood for glitter...especially on my knuckle sandwich."

"Well too bad, so sad!" April shouted. "You're not getting any fun or sandwiches, that's reserved for heroes only."

"Oh yeah? Well, I'm about to unleash a whole lotta pain onto you guys!" Brute pulls out a buffoon nose from one of his pockets and raises it for everyone to see. "I've reserved this just for you, Glitter Force! Super Buffoon, come on down!"

A massive influx of dark energy gushes out of the nose, marking the beginning of the transformation process. It takes on a new form by merging with one of the nearby buildings. "Super Buffoon!" it screeched, positioning itself into a fighting stance. You gawk at the monster's outlandish appearance before throwing your head back to laugh.

Out of all the objects the Super Buffoon could have merged with, it just had to be the local McDonald's. Cartoonish arms and legs were jutting out of its rectangular body, complementing the curly red afro in place of where the roof would normally be. It also had the same facial features and clown makeup as the buffoon Ulric conjured up. The longer you stare at the monster, the funnier it gets. No other sounds were able to penetrate your ears except that of your hysterical laughter. The rest of the Glitter Force weren't laughing anywhere near as hard as you were, but they did seem to find the buffoon's appearance to be just as ridiculous.

"A McDonald's? Really?" Kelsey said, rolling her eyes.

Brute glares at her. "S-Shut up! Your talk of knuckle sandwiches was making me hungry!"

The Masquerader and the Jester [Rascal x Female Reader]Where stories live. Discover now