Chapter 3: Glitter Warrior

978 26 16

Chapter Song: "Superhero" -Johnny Hollow


What's the Glitter Force? Is that the name of some club they're in? You would have to ask your classmates these questions later when they weren't being confronted by a tall, angry wolf. Based on what you've seen and heard so far, it was obvious Ulric and the five girls despised each other. The reasons for this apparent hostility weren't yet known to you, but it seems to go deeper than what you saw on the surface.

"Go away, furball! Can't you tell when you're not wanted?" Kelsey yelled.

"Why you little brat!" Ulric balls his fists, looking ready to pummel her into the ground when his nose catches a whiff of something. "What's that disgusting smell?" He raises his snout to sniff the air, trying to pinpoint the direction the scent was coming from. His face scrunches up upon making eye contact with the girls. "Ewww it's pumpkin spice lattes!"

April cradles her drink protectively in her hands. "How dare you insult pumpkin spice lattes! You've crossed the line!"

"Yeah, whatever! I didn't come here to judge your choice of coffee though..." Ulric scoffed, pulling a purple hardcover book out of thin air.

Chloe calls your name, diverting your attention away from the wolf. "Get out of here! It's dangerous!"

You're about to do just that when you witness Ulric squeeze a small object in one of his fists. "I've come to paint the world's pages black and bring about an unhappy ending!" He smears some substance onto the open pages of his book, which triggers a strange reaction from the environment. The once beautiful night sky changes into an unnatural shade of blue, coupled with the moonlight increasing in intensity. One by one, all of the surrounding shoppers drop to the ground. A dark aura materializes around them before getting absorbed into Ulric's strange book. He chuckles to himself, clearly admiring the misfortune he's caused. "That's right! Give me all of that beautiful negative energy!"

Without warning, your knees begin to buckle and shake. You stand firm and tighten your leg muscles in an attempt to fight whatever force is pushing down against you. But this countermeasure still wasn't enough to prevent your body from trembling. Even so, surrendering wasn't an option. If you gave up now, you would end up immobile and brimming with negative energy like the rest of the townspeople. You use whatever remaining strength you have to keep yourself upright. A series of sharp pains shoot up your legs and strike the nerves in your body. Unable to take the excruciating torment any longer, you collapse onto the ground. Of course, I'd end up like this, I've never been able to do anything right. I'm so useless. The same dark aura that subdued the locals consumes you and overpowers your senses. All five of your classmates shout your name in alarm while Ulric reveals his sinister intentions to turn something called the "Wheel of Doom" another click and revive his master. Before long, the darkness takes a hold of you, leaving you no choice but to give in.

Once again, you're trapped inside the pitch-black dimension you've come to loathe. But unlike last time, there was a deathly chill accompanying you, the likes of which you've never felt before. Stuck in a state of vulnerability, you're powerless to stop the cold from devouring you whole. It envelops you with unprecedented quickness, causing your already aching muscles to burn with even greater intensity. Your lungs constrict and pulsate, making it impossible to cry out for help. Any attempt at moving your limbs or making a sound is rendered useless, leaving you to wonder if this was how you would die. Just when you thought things couldn't get any worse, the voices make themselves known. Some of the voices take the form of your family members, while others resemble those you knew from the past. You could even hear your voice within the mix, berating and insulting you.

The Masquerader and the Jester [Rascal x Female Reader]Where stories live. Discover now