Chapter 7: Shattered Reflections

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Chapter Song: "Enter the Circus" -Christina Aguilera


One moment, you were in town with the Glitter Force and the two pixies. In the next, you weren't. They were nowhere in sight, resulting in your cries for help falling on deaf ears. Rascal continues to hold you close while he's in the process of teleporting the two of you. Darkness envelops your vision for a brief second before being replaced by dim purple lighting. The sudden clacking sound of Rascal's boots hitting the ground reverberates throughout the room, signaling your arrival.

Even though you had reached his intended destination, Rascal still wouldn't let you go. For this reason, you lean your head forward and quickly throw it back, smacking him hard in the jaw. He lets out a high-pitched whimper and releases you to grasp his injured face. The purple cards confining you loosen as a result, providing you a chance to escape. You wriggle away from the cards holding your ankles and wrists together and make a run for it. Whacking Rascal didn't come without repercussions, however. There was still a light pounding in the back of your skull from the impact. Still, it was the best thing you could think of.

While fleeing from the jester and trying to find an escape, you examine the strange room in greater detail. Most of it was cast in dark violet hues by the stage lights aligning the curved walls. The only remaining areas untouched by the purple light were the ceiling and walls, which were both coated in pitch black. All the obscure shadows and faint lighting make it difficult to discern the sheer size of the place, but it appears to be some sort of indoor circus arena. Right now, you were halfway across the large circular stage in the center of the room, heading toward the arched vomitorium. It was positioned alongside a series of wooden benches surrounding the stage. There was no telling where the passageway would lead to, or if it was even an escape at all. But you had to get away, that's all that mattered.

Just as you're nearing the exit, Rascal teleports in front of you without warning. He had his hands on his hips, appearing slightly vexed. You skid to a halt to avoid running into him and end up slipping. An involuntary yelp leaves you upon hitting your back against the cold hard floor. Another object falls onto the ground, making a rattling sound before settling down several feet away. Rascal glances at the place where it landed before turning his attention to you. "Such a bad girl! Didn't you learn anything from last week? I've already told you that you can't escape me!"

You prop yourself up with your arms and glare at him. "I'm the bad one?! You literally just kidnapped me!"

"Hmmm touché! But I don't just go around kidnapping people without a reason." Rascal hovers his foot over the item that fell and gently presses down on it. He drags the object towards himself, causing it to produce an unpleasant scraping sound. Your eyes practically bulge out of their sockets upon realizing what was now in his possession.

"My glitter pact!" At once, you scramble to your feet and sprint toward the jester. He kicks the pink compact into his hand and waves it teasingly. "Give it back!" You leap into the air to grab it, but Rascal lifts it just out of reach. His smirk widens when you continue to jump for it. Every time you're close to snatching the glitter pact, Rascal raises it higher to where it just barely brushes your fingertips. It took almost no effort on his end to keep the compact away, mainly due to his tall stature and agile movements. The little patience you had left was wearing thin, exacerbated by the fear of losing your only possible defense against him.

When all your efforts at grabbing the pact prove fruitless, you resort to throwing a punch at him. His hand immediately shoots up to seize your wrist, which was inches away from meeting the side of his face. You gasp, surprised by how effortlessly Rascal blocked your attack. He turns his head and sends you a wry smile. "How predictable!" A sharp pain shoots up your wrist from his iron grip, leading you to wince and pull back. Rascal tightens his hold in response, adding more to your discomfort. You stop struggling when a faint red glow starts coming from his eyes. "Do that again and you'll be sorry!"

The Masquerader and the Jester [Rascal x Female Reader]Where stories live. Discover now