Author's Note

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Before you start reading this story, there are some important things I must disclose. First off, the reader character will be a female, fourteen-year-old middle school student with lilac-colored hair and eyes (simply because every other Glitter Force member is a fourteen-year-old girl with colorful hair and eyes to match). For those of you who don't like the color purple and don't identify as female, I apologize in advance. Secondly, I won't be using any placeholders (such as 'Y/N' or 'F/C') in my story. I personally don't like them, and just think they're unneeded. Lastly, there will be slight mentions of mental health issues, abuse, and character flaws some people may consider to be problematic. You have been warned! All of this serves a purpose, however, to give the characters, the plot, and the story's message greater development. Please also keep in mind that this is my first time writing a reader-insert fanfiction. Constructive criticism is welcome, just don't be rude about it. That's it for now, I hope you enjoy this story!

 That's it for now, I hope you enjoy this story!

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The Masquerader and the Jester [Rascal x Female Reader]Where stories live. Discover now