Chapter 61

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"Hey babe, big day."

"Ew I'm not your babe." Keaton squirmed away as Drew jokingly stroked his arm. I couldn't keep myself from laughing as I took in Keaton's horrified face.

"But I love you." Drew managed to keep a straight face. I on the other hand, didn't find it as easy, and burst out laughing all over again.

"So where's that brother of yours?" I turned my attention to Keaton to give him something to focus on other than Drew's shenanigans.

"He's in his room- you can go on upstairs; he probably wouldn't mind." Keaton told me. His words had me clutching at my shoulder bag a little tighter. Normally, I would have immediately made myself at home in the Stromberg's living room. My purse would have been strewn across the couch, with my shoes stashed by the front door.

But the tension in the air between Wesley and myself sucked up all the feelings of comfort I had once had. It's been longer than a week since I had a real conversation with Wesley. With everything going on he's just been so busy, and I get that.

"Alright, I'll see you guys before you leave, okay?" I promised before gripping the banister. I jogged up the steps, taking my time before I finally reached the door on the left: Wesley's bedroom.

I was reaching for the doorknob when I realized that I should probably knock.

"Hey, come in." I heard Wesley's voice sound out only seconds after I stopped knocking. I opened the door to see him laying on top of his bedspread with his right arm draped over his face.

"It's me." I gave him a small smile before shutting the door behind me. Wesley moved his arm away to look over at me.

"Hey, come here I'm too lazy to move." He laughed, opening his arms so I could crawl next to him. Grinning, I graciously accepted his offer and snuggled into his shoulder.

"So what's going on in that head of yours?" I twirled a strand of his chocolate brown hair around my finger.

"Way too many things." He said softly. "And all at once."

"You're gonna be fine." I assured him for what felt like the billionth time.

"But what if we're not?" Thinking about this, I slid my phone out of my pocket, and pulled up my twitter.

"You see this?" I held up my phone so he could see. "What does that say?"

"Emblem Three." He said, and I could see a small smile illuminated from the glow of my cell phone.

"And you see how many followers you guys have? That's almost four hundred thousand. Four hundred thousand." I repeated for emphasis. "Even if you guys don't win the competition, you've created a fan base. You have people who truly like your music and will follow you through out your career."

He's Giving Me a Reason, an Emblem3 Fan Fic (Sequel to Riptide)Where stories live. Discover now