Chapter 18

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"Yeah?" He turned around to face a group of giggling junior girls. 

"You were amazing up there!" The taller girl said twisting her chocolate brown locks around her index finger. Wes grinned at her.

"Thanks! Hopefully we'll make it through bootcamp to the live shows and-" 

"Oh you'll make it through." I watched in shock as she bit her lower lip lightly. Are you kidding? This is probably the fifth girl that's come up to Wes this period to flirt with him. Usually the girls respected my relationship with Wes; they knew he was off the table. But now that there's a chance he may become famous, they don't seem to really respect boundaries. At all.

"That's really sweet of you guys. What are your names?" Wes smiled at them geniunely interested. I sighed and turned back around to face my lunch. I moved my apple aside and rested my forehead on the table. Then I sat back up and just let my face absorb the heat from the sun. I guess I had to get used to Wes getting all this female attention. He was a talented guy, and let's face it; he was most definitely easy on the eyes.

Easy on the eyes? God, I sound like my mom. Adrianna was the only person who noticed my change in mood. She handed me a braided pretzel stick and nodded her head as if to say she got what was going on. I looked just past her right shoulder and saw Drew sitting on the table with his back to us, teaching a few girls how to play the guitar.

She scooted closer to the center of the table so she was right in front of me.

"We knew it was going to happen sooner or later." Adrianna sighed. I nodded back at her. She was right, I had always thought about what was going to happen if the boys became famous.

"I just hoped there was some small chance that it wouldn't happen, you know? That they would magically find some way to appeal to another audience besides the teen girl population?" She frowned slightly and sighed. I was glad that Adrianna was going to be here through this process. It was good to know that someone would understand what I was going through.

"All right ladies, sorry to break it to you, but Drew and I are growing boys, we gotta eat!" The girls 'aww'ed in disappointment. "We'll catch up with you guys later!" Wes smiled and waved goodbye as the group of girls shuffled across the quad, away from our table.

"Wow, who knew talking could be so exhausting." Drew yawned and leaned his head on Adrianna's shoulder and pretended to sleep there.The expression on Adrianna's face seemed to soften. She was still mad at Drew for ignoring her but she couldn't stay mad at him.

"You guys are gonna have to get used to it." I smiled cuddling under Wesley's arm.

"It's still so surreal." Wes replied, looking around the quad. But as the words tumbled from his mouth I could tell they were true. Everywhere I looked I saw people staring at them; girls, boys, even the teachers. They were all looking at the future stars. I could see it too; the guys were going to be huge. They just didn't see it yet.

I couldn't imagine how they were feeling through all of this. I guess they were happy; their dreams were finally going to come true. But that must be scary too. Life as they know it was going to change. Whether that was for better or worse I had no idea.

"Let's hit the beach." I said standing up.

"As in skip school?" Adrianna asked uncertainly. She looked at me like I was completely insane.

"Yep." What was I even saying? I've never cut before. "We haven't been in forever." I turned to Wes and Drew next. "Tomorrow is bootcamp, and you guys are stressing out too much, you gotta just let loose a little." Drew seemed really tempted by this offer.

"What do you guys have after this?" Drew asked.

"Avery and I both have a free and then I have English and she has Art History." Adrianna announced.

"Burns isn't going to care if I'm not there. The entire class is basically just me, Keaton and a bunch of stoners anyway." I said.

"And MacIntire isn't even here today." Drew said to Adrianna. "He just left us some grammar work to do in the textbook. Wes nodded.

"Okay, yeah and I've got history and then gym." He shrugged it off like it was no big deal. Which I guess to him it wasn't. Wes, Drew and Jason used to cut school all the time before I started going here. He used to be quite the badass actually. Not that I was really surprised. When Wes and I first met I thought he was a complete jackass. It took a while for me to realize he wasn't actually like that; it was just a disguise. He acted like a badass on the outside, but on the inside he was just a guy with a big heart.

Him and Drew would cut a lot in the spring because football and basketball were over. They knew not to skip during the football season because they didn't want to get benched. It always worked out for them. The teachers were pretty chill and didn't really investigate too far into those kind of things.

"Let's go then." I said grabbing my car keys. Wes gave me a dangerous smile. I think he liked this new side of me, this daring new persona. I grinned back at him and walked straight out of the building and out to the parking lot.

Maybe it's time I take my own advice and live a little.

Yay :D thanks for bearing with me guys! I've been super busy with school ugh #junioryearprobs. I hope you liked this chapter :) 40 votes and I'll post the next one!!!!! Love you all! Mwaaaah :*

He's Giving Me a Reason, an Emblem3 Fan Fic (Sequel to Riptide)Where stories live. Discover now