Chapter 31

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I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and cuddled up with the navy blue comforter that was stretched across the bed. Wait, I didn't own a navy blue comforter. I shot up in bed, my spine completely erect. What the hell happened? All of my clothes were on- that was a good sign. And it didn't sound like anyone else was home. What am I doing here?!

I slowly peeled the covers off me and let my foot hit the ground. The carpet was soft and worn out. I decided to look around the room for clues as to where I was. There were hundreds of posters plastered against each wall- all of bands and sports teams. On the dresser there was a picture of the school football team. At least they went to Huntington- I couldn't be too far from home.

Oh my god Wes. What have I done? He'd never forgive me. Heck I'm never going to forgive me. I leaned up against the wall and started to cry. I was a terrible person. A part of me was hoping that the boy who owned this room would burst through the door soon. At least then I might be able to find out what happened. And why can't I remember? But no one came. The house remained empty and quiet.

I'm almost positive that no one was home, but I didn't want to leave just incase someone was. I didn't need to be running into someone's mom downstairs. After most of the tears had left my eyes I examined my own outfit. The shirt I was wearing was all covered in dirt and smelled like spicy rum. I grimaced and walked over to the closet. Maybe mystery boy has something that I could change into.

I opened the doors and peeked inside. Nothing. I sighed loudly. I guess I'll just find something from the floor- anything would be cleaner than the shirt I was currently wearing. I abandoned that idea right away. Just the thought of wearing some guy's sweaty clothes grossed me out. Instead I crawled over to the dresser, which indeed contained fresh shirts. As I opened the drawer a familiar scent filled my nostrils. Familiar and good- but I just couldn't place it. Okay, I definitely know this boy.

As I rifled through the shirts a mesh fabric caught my attention. I pulled it out from the bottom of the pile and examined it. It was an HBHS basketball jersey. I quickly flipped the jersey over and breathed a sigh of relief. "Stromberg" was printed on the back in white block lettering. This was Wesley's room. I was in Wesley's room. Wait... How did I get in Wesley's room?

I caught glimpse of my phone sitting on the nightstand and I decided to call Adrianna to find out how exactly I could have gotten here.

"Hey, what's up?" Adrianna answered after only two rings.

"Hey... do you mind telling me why I woke up in my boyfriend's bed this morning?" I ran my fingers along the posters of the wall. All of this was so him- I can't believe I didn't guess Wes in the first place.

"Oh right." She laughed on the other end of the line. "After your call with Wes last night you were pretty bummed out that he wasn't here, so you and me took a bunch of shots."

"But how come I don't remember any of this?" I groaned rubbing my pounding head. Yep. Alcohol was definitely involved.

"By a bunch I meant I took like three. And well, you had... more than three." She laughed and I groaned.

"That still doesn't really explain why I'm here." I played with Wesley's basketball medal.

"Well Tyler couldn't take you home because Rick would flip a shit, and my mom would call your mom if I brought you home drunk, so the Stromberg's just sounded like the right place to go."

"Thank you, for bringing me here. I just woke up in a strange bed in a strange room and so I thought the worst." I admitted.

"Wait, you've never been in his room before?" Adrianna sounded surprised.

"Nope. Not since he moved his stuff up from the basement." I collapsed on the bed. Until about three months ago, Wes' room was downstairs in the basement. He liked it because there was a foosball table and a fridge down there. But after a while it just got really inconvenient. Laraine needed more storage space and got a little irritated that the boys were always trashing the living room when they had friends over. So Wesley bought some new furniture and set up his room in one of the extra bedrooms upstairs.

"Oh well, Jason carried you up there last night because you were kind of passed out. We thought it would give you some kind of security or something." She told me. I smiled to myself looking around at all the Wes-approved decorations. "So what are you doing?" Adrianna asked.

"Eh, I'm thinking about just heading home. It's a little weird being in his room if he's not here." I looked around.

"What, you're not going to snoop?" She teased me.

"I am not going to snoop!" I laughed. But the offer did sound tempting. What was underneath the bad boy facade that is Wesley Stromberg? What kind of books did he read? What brand of underwear did he wear? All really tempting- but it was wrong. "I'll talk to you later, okay?"

"Mhmm, okay. Have fun snooping!" She trilled. I laughed and shook my head while hanging up. This girl was crazy. I slipped my phone into my back pocket and walked over to the dresser. There were frames holding pictures of a smiling Wes and toothless Keaton. I couldn't help but laugh a little. They looked so young and adorable! Next to that one was a picture of Wes with his sisters Brooke and Brianna- both of whom I hadn't met yet.

It was so strange to see pictures of him from before we'd met. It just made me miss him even more. Going this long without seeing him was absolutely killing me. But I had to stay strong. This was just practice for the fall if they make the show.

I was about to head out the door when I realized that I didn't drive here. I flopped down on Wesley's bed and called Tyler.

"Hey Ty, it's me. Yeah, can you come pick me up?" I snuggled into the pillows and breathed in that familiar Wesley smell. Seriously he smelled so good. It was a mixture of the beach and freshly cut wood. But there were also notes of citrus and something mellow. It was an odd combination, but it was one that totally worked for him.

I missed him so much. So I did the only thing I could do. I wrapped the blankets around me, snuggling closer to Wes even though he was miles away. And I stayed that way until Ty came to pick me up.

Woo hoo! Chapter 31 is finished :) Hope you guys liked it!!! 60 votes for the next one?? :D

He's Giving Me a Reason, an Emblem3 Fan Fic (Sequel to Riptide)Where stories live. Discover now