Chapter 33

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"Aves, can you flip the pancakes?" Tyler left the stove unattended to search for something in the refrigerator. I sighed and hopped up from my seat at the table. It was about 5:00 on Saturday night, which meant pancakes for dinner.

"It's your fault if I end up burning them." I laughed. Tyler was putting his breakfast at danger here- he knew that I utterly sucked at cooking. To my surprise I managed to flip the pancakes and successfully get them on to the plate.

"Not bad." He nodded at the humongous stack of pancakes that I had just set down on the table. "I made extra batter in case Rick wanted some, but he just texted me saying that he was out."

"Still at work?" I wondered out loud. Ty shook his head "Jogging again?" I was a little surprised. Rick wasn't in bad shape or anything, but he's never been the fitness nut type either. This was the fourth time he's gone out this week.

"Yeah. Personally, I think he's got a crush on the blonde lady that lives down the street. I always see them coming back together." Tyler said.

"Rick actually taking an initiative to be physically fit- he must really like this woman." I laughed, sitting back down. I didn't really mind that Rick was interested in other women. I knew there was no chance in hell that my parents were getting back together. They'd been apart for too long and I just didn't see it happening. Rick had walked out on my mom- she wasn't going to forgive him just like that.

And in some weird way I was fine with it. I got to know my dad a little better and realized that it was okay that my family wasn't going to be reunited. We just wouldn't ever be that perfect family- we had too much history for that ever to happen. One of the main reasons was probably Sam, my little brother. Everyone agreed that it was probably best not to throw a random man into his life. It took a little bit of time, but I was okay with my life just the way it was. The only thing missing was my boyfriend. "Hey, I'm sure everything's fine. They're coming home soon." Tyler nudged me under the table. It had been almost a week since the guys left and I was really starting to miss Wesley.

I smiled at him and took a big bite of my food. But even Aunt Jemima couldn't fill the empty space in my heart. I was loading up the dishwasher when I heard the front door open.

"Hey Rick, Ty made extra pancake batter if you want me to make you some breakfast for dinner!" I called out to him. I kept my focus on washing the syrup residue off one of the plates.

"What, you didn't save me any?" I heard a voice say. I let my sponge fall to the bottom of the sink. I whipped my head around and sure enough, there he was. Wesley was leaning against the archway into the kitchen looking cuter than ever.

"You're back!" I ran over and jumped on him. "I thought you weren't going to be back until Sunday!" I couldn't help but smile as I felt his hands wrap around my waist and squeeze me back with equal strength. He was back a day early! Wait... he was back a day early. Oh no, I hope this wasn't anything bad.

"Did I hear pancakes?" Keaton poked his head through the doorway. I laughed and hugged him hello.

"The batter's in the fridge, let me get it."

"Nope, allow me." Drew appeared and beat me to the stainless steel fridge door. He removed the bowl and started cooking. I hadn't gotten to cleaning the stove yet so everything was still set up.

"Just don't burn my house down, Chadwick!" I warned him.

"No promises." He sang, resuming his work. I laughed and sat down at the kitchen table across from Keaton. At that moment Zuni trotted into the kitchen, and over to the bowl of water that I had set out.

"Zuni!" Keaton called. The orange fur ball recognized his owner's voice and leapt into Keaton's lap. I grinned- nothing made that kid happier than that little kitty.

"So what are you guys doing back? I thought you had another day left!" I pressed them for details.

"Apparently the last day was just the traveling schedule. A lot of the acts came from all across the country and flights would take all day. This morning when everyone else was heading to the airport we just hopped in our car and drove 45 minutes to get home." Keaton shrugged.

"Living in California does have its perks." Wes sat down next to me and threw his arm around my shoulders.

"So... am I allowed to ask about what happened? Or is it a secret?" I went straight to the point.

"Technically, you're not allowed to know yet." Drew said from the stove.

"But... we're going to tell you anyway." Wes poked me in the side.

"Well?" I was about to explode! I've spent an entire week living out of the loop- I needed to know right this second!

"Well... you're looking at one of the top 12 acts of The X Factor season 2." I couldn't believe my ears. Is what Wes just said true?

"Oh my god." I clapped a hand over my mouth. "Oh my god!" I transitioned from shocked to super excited in a matter of seconds. Drew, Keaton and Wes looked at me- amused with themselves.

"Wow Aves, could you be any more of a fan girl?" Keaton joked. I hit him playfully while Wes and Drew laughed.

"This is totally an acceptable fan girl moment!" I argued. "You guys are actually in the live shows! This is incredible!!" I was standing now and kissing Wesley. "This is it, guys! You've made it." I was smiling so hard that I wouldn't be surprised if my face cracked into a million pieces.

"I couldn't have done it without you." Wes whispered huskily into my ear. Through all the celebrating I cupped his face with my hands and pushed his lips to mine. I felt his hands at my lower back, tugging slightly at the hem of my shirt.

"Hey, is this mine?" Wes asked, still clutching the bottom of the t-shirt. Keaton and Drew had moved to the living room when Wes and I started making out, so we were completely alone.

"Uh, yeah." I smiled sheepishly.

"And do you mind telling me why you're wearing my shirt? Not that I'm complaining or anything." He smirked at me. I smacked his shoulder and he laughed.

"It's a long story." I bit back a smile.

"Well luckily for you, I've got all the time in he world."

* * * * *

"So let me get this straight, you just woke up that morning in my room having no idea where you were, or how you got there?" Wesley widened his eyes.

"Pretty much. It was traumatizing."

Wes laughed. "Oh please, it couldn't have been that bad."

"I woke up in a room- in a boy's room, at the time having no idea what had happened the night before. I thought I'd cheated on you!" I gave him a small slap upside the head.

"Okay I'm sorry, you're right that must have been nerve-racking." Wes said seriously. And then his bottom lip curled up, fighting back a smile.

"I just don't get how you didn't realize you were in my room!" He laughed.

"Well from the times that I've been in your old bedroom I wasn't exactly focused on checking out the wall decorations." I smirked back, hinting to the few times that Wes and I went into his room to make out. Wes cleared his throat and crossed one of his legs over the other.

"Ah, fair enough." He blushed. Oh my god, he was actually blushing!

"But uh anyway, later the memories started coming back and apparently I had climbed over a fence and into Vince's neighbor's backyard- getting my clothes all dirty." I gestured to his basketball warm up that hung loosely off my shoulders.

"Did I mention how hot you look in my t-shirt?"

"Only about a million times." I smiled and snuggled into his side. It was so good having him home.

woohoo :) chapter 33 is done!! Just a heads up- something HUGE is going to happen in the next chapter :O What could it be?! Hahaha ;) 65 votes and 6 different comments for the next chapter!!!!!

He's Giving Me a Reason, an Emblem3 Fan Fic (Sequel to Riptide)Where stories live. Discover now