Chapter 48

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About three tubs of Ben and Jerry's Phish Food later, Adrianna was starting to seem like herself again. At least I think she was- it was kind of hard to tell with the sugar coma I was enduring.

"So, are you two going to finish that?" A plastic spoon was waved under my nose, pointing to the half-eaten pint sitting in front of me. Adrianna groaned and rubbed her stomach, and I shook my head no slowly. Apparently after finishing an entire container on his own, Owen still wasn't full. Getting all this ice cream was Owen's big idea anyway: he just thinks that every girl problem can be fixed with junk food and chick flicks. When the three of us were standing outside the convenience store on the corner, I was pretty doubtful. But once we got back to the room, and Owen slipped "She's the Man" into the DVD player, Adrianna seemed to calm down a bit.

Owen was actually pretty good at handling the whole "crying female" thing. Most guys would sprint in the opposite direction as soon as the tears started to roll, but this was his sister. It was actually really admirable how well he handled the situation. The only thing I would criticize is his choice in movies- the ending of "She's the Man" is a little too happy; Adrianna didn't need to be reminded of her broken heart by watching Channing Tatum and Amanda Bynes hit it off. But, there was no arguing with that either. Owen made it a point that if he was going to have to hang out with us, that he would get to pick the movie. And since this film involved a lot of soccer, it was the least girly of all the DVDs that we brought. "Hey, are you okay?" He turned to his sister, now looking concerned. His sympathy for her was so touching, I wanted to hug the two of them for being the cutest siblings ever.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Adrianna said, sitting up so she was leaning against her bed frame. Her eyes were streaked with tears and the little make up she had been wearing from before was streaked down her face. She must have been holding all of this in for a while to cry as long and hard as she did. I felt so bad for her; she just looked so sad.

"Well do you know what will make you feel even better?" I asked, suddenly jumping up. "Shopping." Even if it was just for books and stuff, back to school shopping was always fun. I mean, who didn't love going to Staples to pick out cute binders and notebooks for the upcoming school season. The only difference was that we would be picking out these notebooks at the NYU bookstore.

"Woah, they actually have more than just books here." Owen said, strolling over to the shelves stocked with brand new NYU sweatshirts and sweatpants. I shook my head and chuckled softly; typical Owen. He was never one to shop, he always got distracted easily.

"That reminds me, I need to pick out shirts for everyone." I clucked my tongue. I was gonna send one to Rick, my mom, Tyler, I was gonna mail one to Jason at Villanova..." I scanned all the racks and shelves: there were so many choices.

"We've got all the time in the world." Adrianna twirled around playfully. "Now come on, help me pick out a book for Intro to Business." She tugged my arm over to the textbook aisle.

By the time we had parted ways with Owen, it was already six o'clock at night. Flopping down on my bed back in the dorm, I was about to whip out my phone and see what Wes was up to. But something caused me to hesitate. Luckily for me, Adrianna's phone buzzed on the nightstand between us. Without a second thought she snatched in up and read the message on the screen, scanning it over and over.

"It's Drew. He wants to meet for dinner." Adrianna read. He wants to meet up!

"Oh my god, like casual friends dinner, or dinner, dinner?!" I asked excitedly. This was perfect! Dinner was the perfect scenario to push Dadrianna back together! This was a great opportunity for them to get over their differences and start dating again.

"I don't kow, it just says dinner." She pouted, not being able to read between the lines. "Do you think I should go?" She asked me.

'Do I think you should go? Hell yeah you should go! The two of you are made for each other!" I gushed. "You need to see this through." I told her. I could tell she was debating all of this internally.

"Fine." She nodded confidently. "I'll go. And I need to look super hot to let him know exactly what he's been missing out on." She grinned. "Help me choose an outfit?" I wasn't exactly the go-to fashion person, but when your best friend is in the middle of a relationship crisis and she needs help choosing an outfit, you help her choose an outfit. It's as simple as that.

I helped get Adrianna ready in record time. Within thirty minutes I had helped her do her hair and make up- with a carefully chosen outfit just lying on the bed. She was going to be wearing a Jimi Hendrix tiedye crop top with white shorts and black Vans. Her hair fell loosely over her shoulders, and she wore one of those super chic bohemian headband thingys. The mission was to make her look irresistable, without making it look like she was trying to impress. And in my opinion, this mission was accomplished.

Just as she finished getting ready, there was a knock at the door. I felt a lump in my throat as I reached for the handle. I was nervous for her. The knob twisted in my hand and I opened the door to reveal Drew, standing in our threshold looking clean-shaven and irresistable. The two of them were going to have a very hard time keeping their hands off each other this evening- I could already tell.

"Wel, you kids have fun!" I said as I cheekily shoved them out the door. I couldn't wait to hear how the date went.

hey guys, kind of a filler, but it's crucial for Dadrianna's relationship :) 70 votes, 10 comments for the next chapter :D

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