Crack baby

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im back with an imagine for u guys, i cant believe these imagines sky rocketed, i was shocked because i never thought my writing was good enough for even a couple of views😭

enjoy <3


Five sat patiently in his room waiting for his mother to come back and tell him how Eight was doing.


"Five! Help.. Please!" Screams hurtle out of Eight's mouth as the knife plunges deeper.

She looks into the eyes of her attacker and lets out a wrenching scream. "Please!"

Five runs around the corner his eyes instantly widen with horror. "Eight!"

He knocks out her attacker and throws him to the ground.

The knife stayed seated in her abdomen. "Jesus christ.. Eight." He chokes out his words.

She looks him in the eyes one last time before she loses consciousness and collapses, he catches her in his arms and he caresses her pale face.

Everyone else emerges from around the corner and stands back in shock.

Five felt a burst of despair take over his feelings. "Please don't die.. please.. please.. don't die." He pulls her head into his chest as her limp body fails to respond.


Klaus walks in. "Are you okay, Five?"

Five says nothing and just stares into nothing.

"Hey, it's not your fault."

"It is, I should have stayed with her and protected her. She was my responsibility! I let her down." He retaliates and gets up in a fit of pure rage.

"I will never be okay until she is okay! I was supposed to look out for her!" No tears, just pure yelling came from him. Only one emotion was clear now, anger.

His mother comes in. "She's okay, Five."

His expression drops and he spatial jumps to the infirmary.

He looked onto the bed and saw her sleeping, peacefully, like she was just resting. "Eight? Can you hear me?"

She slowly pried her eyes open. "Fi.." She winces.

"Shh. Don't speak. You'll hurt yourself."

She smiled at him, and weak and pained smile, but riddled with love and affection.

He found it difficult to smile back. "You'll be back up in no time. I'm sure of it. You're gonna make it." He forced a smile.

She nodded softly. She reached out for his hand and a tear rolled down her cheek.

He took her hand. "I'm so sorry, Eight. I should have been there to protect you."

She frowned.

"No, no. It was my fault." He insisted.

She sighed. She knew she'd never get through his stubbornness.

He looked down at her stomach. "Do you mind if I take a look?"

She shook her head.

He pulled the blanket down and lifted her shirt up. Her stomach had been mutilated, it no longer looked like a stomach.

Five covered his mouth with his hand. "Oh my god." He muttered.

He looked back up at her and she was sobbing violently.

He squeezed her hand tighter and caressed it.

"It's okay. You are beautiful and forever will be." He smiled reassuringly.

She snivelled loudly. "Hey, hey." He leant down and kissed her forehead. "You are okay. You're alive, that is all I care about."

She tried her best to smile back at him.

"You need rest. I'll come back in a few hours." Five patted her arm.

She frantically shook her head, afraid to speak.

"You'll be fine. You need time to recuperate." He leaves and shuts the door.

Five silently reads to himself sitting on his bed. He looked up to see a distraught Klaus at the door.

"What's wrong, Klaus?" He shut his book and instantly became concerned.

Klaus sobbed even harder.

Five quickly caught on.

"No. No, no, no, no, no. No!" He began to tear up.

He spatial jumps back to the infirmary. Everyone was surrounding the bed and crying unstoppably.

Five let out an audible cry.

She lay lifeless on the bed, she still looked as if she was resting, just taking a nap.

Five stroked her hair back and pushed away her wispy hairs. "Eight? Eight. Come on. Wake up Eight."

He dropped his head and held her hand.

She was cold. "Somebody get her a hot water bottle, she's freezing."

He was in denial. "Five, she's gone." Diego put a hand on his shoulder.


Diego snapped his hand away. "She's not!"

He was no longer crying, his face was emotionless but his voice spoke so many different emotions he was feeling.

The academy stood sombrely as Five held her hand to his forehead, hoping for some miracle to strike.

His miracle never struck.


Quite an emotional one, im sorry🙁

Five isnt a softie so his cry is a cry of anger btw :)

maybe the next one will be slightly less depressing

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