Chapter 25

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The energy levels in the car went through the roof when he suggested the idea. We had all been cooped up in the car for about two hours, so the mere suggestion of getting outside was enough to make us all start howling with excitement. Corbin turned off the car, and unlocked the doors. We all burst out of the car, pushing and shoving each other out of the way so we could be the first one out. Once we were all out, we ran. We ran to our heart's content, and we ran until we were tired. I remember the feeling of the cold wind. It felt like the cold front of winter was piercing my very soul. Almost like it was calling me, trying to change me. There was nothing more that I wanted at that moment than to be a wolf, and feel the cold, wet snow in-between my paws. But I was going to have to wait until tonight.

Lilly and I raced around trees, and jumped over stray logs as we both felt the call of the wild trying to pull our wolves out of us. Eventually, we grew weary and took a break, resting upon a stray log. Lilly and I were laughing as we saw the boys run by, one-by-one, with Serena leading the charge. I laughed even harder when I noticed that one of the boys gave in to the call of the wild, and ran by us in wolf form. I had never seen this wolf before, so by process of elimination, I narrowed it down to Jakob. At first, Lilly and I laughed about it, but then we became scared when we realized that someone might see him. The boys had been far ahead when Jakob ran by, so we assumed they had no idea he wolfed-out. I looked at Lilly, and we stood up without hesitation and ran after Jakob. We looked at the snow, and noticed his paw prints were freshly imprinted, so we followed the path and noticed that he had gone back to the van with the boys.

When we got there, Corbin was waiting by the door, and sitting next to him was Jakob's wolf. He was a medium-sized wolf with a beautiful pelt that had a mix of lighter and darker gray hues. We noticed that he had a tint of brown in his muzzle. He also had a dark gray circle around each eye, and when he looked up at us, you could see his piercing yellow eyes. He really was a beautiful wolf, but we didn't know why he turned into a wolf in the first place, or why Corbin was seemingly unphased by it. We just assumed that he gave-in to the call of the wild, and his father was okay with it because the van was blocking him from view.

As Lilly and I climbed in the van, I turned back and watched as Corbin got down on one knee, and looked his son in the eyes. Corbin clasped his hands around Jakob's mane, and he pressed his forehead to his son's. The same way Jet had done to me. I watched as Jakob closed his eyes, and became human. He hugged his father before getting into the van, and taking his seat next to Serena and Samir. Once he was settled in, Corbin pulled away from the side of the road. I leaned forward in my seat and tapped Jakob's shoulder.

"What was that little stunt you pulled?" I whispered in his ear. He turned and looked at me, forming a weak smile.

"You'll understand tonight. The pull of the moon is much stronger than you think," he replied. I looked around at everyone else, and I could sense the tension and uneasiness that must have been linked to waiting for a transformation. Everyone was either shifting around in their seat, staring up at the ceiling, or playing with their hands. There were also occasional sighs that indicated to me that my packmates were feeling uncomfortable.

"Why were you the only one who transformed then?" I asked. Jakob looked at me, and blushed. He scratched the back of his head and answered,

"This is only my second transformation on a full moon." I was shocked. Jakob was 16, and wolfies usually get their first transformation some time before their fifteenth birthday. I was fourteen, and my birthday was at the end of January, which was a little over a month away, so it made sense that I would be transforming when I did. Jakob was only on his second transformation. That meant that the first time he ever turned into a wolf, was the same night that I experienced my first full moon. When I went to the park that night, I was only with Austin, Jet, and Samir. I wonder why Austin chose to miss his brother's first transformation, or maybe he didn't even know Jakob would transform that night.

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