Chapter 36

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Jethro and Lilly transformed back first, and they were talking while the rest of us transformed back as well. Once I was human, I walked over to Lilly, and she smiled at me. Everyone yawned and stretched, as we climbed out of the wash. Jet led the way home, and everyone was quiet. I looked around at my packmates, and noticed that everyone looked content. The night had proven to be different than the first full moon, yet I was happier than I was the first time. Most of the boys had smiles on their faces as we approached the house. It was still quite early in the morning, so Jet let us come inside and eat breakfast. I looked at the time, and noticed that it was only a quarter after seven. I knew it was still too early to go home, so once we ate a little breakfast, I went over to Lilly's house to talk, and hang out with her and Jethro.

When we walked inside, Elisa greeted us at the door. She smiled, and hugged the twins. "I heard you guys up on the mountain last night," she beamed. She smiled, and folded her hands together, throwing them up in a giddy fashion. The twins blushed, and smiled.

"Sorry about that," they both laughed.

"It was just the heat of the moment," said Lilly. Her mom smiled, and walked back to the kitchen to clean up her breakfast. Lilly, Jethro, and I threw our coats on the couch, and sat down. We were all tired, but we wanted to talk about the night before. Jethro looked at us and said,

"How would you guys feel about bringing the pack to visit the wild pack?" Lilly and I were shocked, but this wasn't the first time she had been asked to go to the wild pack. Both of us instantly stopped smiling, and grew more stern expressions.

"What do you mean?" asked Lilly.

"Let's bring your pack to my pack up North. After spending the full moon with you, I really want you to come see where I've lived for most of my life. I really think you guys would like it, and I think you might learn a few things about who we are and what we can do," he said. Lilly and I looked at each other and smiled. "I think you're ready, Lilly. It's time for you to come see where the rest of our family lives."

"You want the whole pack to come?" asked Lilly. Jethro smiled and nodded.

"I think it will be educational for everyone. It will finally give them a chance to see what a wild pack is really about," he said. Lilly and I continued to stare at each other and I just shrugged my shoulders. I knew she would have to discuss it with the pack before giving him an answer, but I could see how badly she wanted it by the look in her eyes. She stood up to walk me out as she answered her brother's request.

"Let me talk to the pack first and see if they want to. I don't think all the adults should come because they might create some tension with the wild adults," she said. Jethro agreed and decided to wait until she had talked to the rest of the kids before making a decision. I opened the door and waved goodbye, watching as the twins waved back in perfect sync.

I walked home and arrived just in time for breakfast. Kelly offered me something to eat, but I politely declined and headed up to my room. I worked on homework after I woke up from a small nap, and grabbed a bite to eat before heading back over to Lilly's. I had received a text from her when I woke up that said that the pack had agreed, and that we would be going to the wild pack for the three-day weekend. When I arrived, the pack was getting ready to leave. I was flustered because I hadn't told my parents that I was leaving yet, so I had to quickly come up with an excuse for my sudden absence. Lilly decided to have her mom call Kelly and ask if I could spend the weekend up North at their cabin. A couple minutes later, Elisa returned and told me that Kelly had given me permission, so long as all my schoolwork was done. I laughed and assured her everything was done and ready for school the next week. I brought all my stuff with me because Lilly had given me a head's up, so when I arrived, we were almost ready to leave.

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