Chapter 45

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I woke up in the morning to a text from Jethro. He was doing his best to be secretive about our bond, but he was still doing his best to win my heart. He would send me pictures of him with goofy filters, and some pictures with cute filters. He would always send me a good morning text with one of his favorite emojis at the time. I enjoyed texting him and getting to know him better. Eventually, I got out of bed and got ready for school. Ryan was just as excited to see Kujo that morning as he was last night. Mom poured him a bowl of food, and prepared a simple breakfast for us. I wasn't eating at the moment because I was daydreaming about the last full moon. It was a couple weeks ago, and it was the first one after having the whole pack back together. Jethro wanted to be near me, because of the bond, but he couldn't let on to everyone else what was going on. It was a great night, and thinking about it made me space out. Ryan noticed I was daydreaming, so he took his bacon and slowly ran it across my upper lip. I quickly snapped out of my thought and snatched his bacon with my teeth.

Ryan was shocked at my reflexes, so he decided he wanted to do it again. He kept saying he was going to put the bacon in front of me, and pull it away before I could grab it. He was out of his league, but I played around with him anyway. I tore off a piece of the bacon and snuck it to Kujo, who thanked me with a quiet chuff. I cleared my dishes and got up to head to school. On my way out, I told Mom that my friends wanted to meet Kujo after school. She said it would be fine, so I told her I would pick him up after school. She asked why they couldn't come over here, and I told her there were a lot of people, so it would just be easier that way. When I got to school, Lilly was excited to see me. She was giddy, and bounced around the halls.

"What's up with you?" I asked in a joking manner. She laughed and said,

"I have a secret to tell you." I laughed and asked her what it was. "Jethro was talking about you at breakfast this morning." My stomach lurched a little. I was really hoping that he didn't tell his whole family about the bond.

"What did he say?" I asked.

"He was talking about how cool you are, and how he wants to hang out more with you," she said. She kept giggling, though.

"Yeah? That's cool. But why is it a secret?" I asked. She leaned in close and whispered,

"He pulled me aside later and told me he wanted to hang out with you alone." My face got bright red.

"Did he say anything else?" I asked. Lilly got a little quiet.

"No? I thought this would be enough of a surprise to you," she said. Her high spirits seemed to dip a little.

"It is a surprise to me," I quickly responded, lying through my teeth. She giggled and walked with me to our first class. Once we sat down, I sent Jethro a text.

"Why did you tell Lilly you wanted to hang out alone with me?" He responded a couple minutes later.

"Because I do." I sighed a little, trying not to attract Lilly's attention.

"She's starting to suspect something. What if she finds out?" I asked. Jethro replied with the sweetest smile I had ever seen.

"Don't worry about it. Everyone will find out eventually. I'm sorry I said something to her this morning, it's just hard to keep it all in when I want to see you so badly." My cheeks got flushed, and this time Lilly noticed. She laughed at me and nudged my shoulder. I covered my face a little to try and hide my embarrassment. I felt bad that I hadn't told her yet. All of this was so easy for Jethro, and he didn't seem nervous about any of it. I was just so worried about causing waves in the pack. Right now, things were so smooth with Jakob, and the only couple was Jet and Lilly. I didn't want to draw attention to myself, and I didn't want to hurt Jakob's feelings after what I had told him in the car. I looked over at Lilly, watching her work on her assignment. I nudged her to get her attention,

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