Chapter 55

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It was the day before the full moon, and everyone was feeling relatively excited. At this point, they were starting to feel less special, but the pack was usually always excited for a chance to be together as wolves. Early that morning, Levi approached us on the way to our first class. He asked Jethro if they were still on for tomorrow night, and Lilly and I looked confused. We thought Jethro had already spoken to Levi about tomorrow night, but I guess we were wrong. Jethro squeezed my hand a bit, and I could sense his nerves.

"Something came up, actually. Is there any way we can reschedule for next week?" he asked. Jethro was good at lying, it was actually a little scary. Levi looked a little surprised.

"What came up?" he asked. We didn't expect him to actually want to know, we just assumed he would reschedule and be done with it. Jethro shuffled a bit, I knew he was uncomfortable.

"Just some family stuff," he responded. He sounded very calm when he spoke. Levi scratched the back of his head and pulled out his phone. He scrolled through what we assumed to be his calendar.

"Alright, let's touch base next week and figure something out," he said. I felt Lilly and Jethro's nerves dissipate as Levi slapped Jethro on the back before heading to his next class.

"That was close," I said to break the tense silence. "I thought you said you were going to handle this."

"I did handle this. I just forgot about it," Jethro said defensively.

"Stay away from him until Monday. I don't want him to see anything he shouldn't," Lilly demanded. Jethro submissively lowered his head and nodded. "We don't need anyone else finding out about our secret."

We went about the rest of our day, which seemed to drag on arduously. When the end of the day rolled around, Jethro told us he would meet us at home later because he had to stay late to make-up a quiz. I kissed him on the cheek, and wished him good luck before heading back to Lilly's house. The boys met up with us once we got there, and hung out with us until dinner. A few hours had passed, and we hadn't heard from Jethro.

"Brooke, try to focus on your wolf senses. Can you feel Jethro's connection?" Jet asked. I closed my eyes and tried to focus to see if I could feel Jethro. There was a faint connection, and when I opened my eyes, they were yellow. Everyone smiled and asked what I could see or feel.

"It's difficult to tell. It's not very clear," I said.

"That's okay, Brooke. Just try," Austin reassured. I focused as hard as I could and suddenly saw an image. I gasped, which made Jakob and Samir jump a little.

"I see him!" I exclaimed. Jet and Lilly beamed with pride as I made my first connection to Jethro. Suddenly my happiness faded and was replaced with confusion. "I don't understand," I uttered. Jet looked worried.

"What's wrong? Did you lose it?" he asked firmly. I shook my head, my eyes still yellow.

"No, I can see him. He's with Levi," I finally stated. I didn't understand. He told me he was re-taking an quiz, but I could see him as if it were a movie in my head. He was hanging out with Levi, playing videogames with a couple other guys from our grade. My eyes returned to normal, and the image of him slowly faded from my mind. I looked around and everyone seemed tense. I watched as Lilly's eyes became yellow, causing Jet's to do the same.

"Hey, it's okay, Lilly. I'm sure everything is okay," Jet tried to reassure her. I felt Austin's hand on my back, warmth immediately flooded my system.

"Something's not right," Lilly hissed. We all looked at her in shock.

"What do you mean?" I asked worriedly. Lilly closed her eyes and inhaled deeply.

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