I don't like company.

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(Y/n's POV)

I lead Spider over to my reading area and sit down where I usually do. I don't have a spot for Spider to sit because I don't usually have company when I read. I don't like company. I suppose that I will have to make an exception for Spider. Just for today. I scoot some of my books over and pat the spot next to me, signaling for Spider to come sit. Spider is hesitant but still sits. He is very stiff when he sits. I have no clue why he is being so awkward. Was it the eye contact? I knew that I waited too long before breaking the eye contact. But he could have just looked away if he was uncomfortable. So it could not have possibly been the eye contact. Could it be my kindness? I mean, I was shocked that I wasn't in the least bit rude to Spider this morning. I also surprised myself when I woke up before Spider. That was a real plot twist to me. I would have never expected that from myself.

I look over to Spider and he is just awkwardly sitting next to me, fiddling with his fingers. 

Am I really that awkward to be around? 

I scoot closer to Spider, trying to reach a book, but Spider is slightly in the way. Spider looks down at me, eyes wide. I retract myself back to where I was before, Spider's eyes following where I go. 

"Would you mind grabbing me a book?" I ask. 

"Which one?" Spider asks, speaking for the first time in a while.

"Whatever one you find intriguing."

Spider looks at my books and picks a book. When he turns around, to give the book to me, I see that it is a book about love languages. Love languages? 

"I didn't take you for the type to find love languages interesting." I say, looking at the book then back at him.

"I just thought the cover of the book looked pretty. I just glanced at it, I didn't read what it was about." Spider explains, a little flustered.

I look at the cover of the book and then back at Spider, "I suppose it is a nice cover."

Spider nods and awkwardly flashes me a smile. I smile back.

"Well then, let's get started." I say, opening the book.

"The five love languages..." I start.

While I read aloud, Spider asks a lot of questions. I don't know if it is because he is interested in the subject of the book or if he's just trying to put in effort to learn about the things that I like. The ironic thing is that I don't really like this book. I like books that put useful facts in my head. I still do like this book though, it is nice to learn about different things for a change.

After a few hours of reading and learning, I finish the book. It wasn't that large of a book, so it didn't take that long to read. When I say "I finished the book" I mean that both Spider and I finished it, I was just the one reading it. I read to Spider and he asked questions. It was kind of like I was reading to a toddler. I don't mean to be rude but I kind of just thought that Spider would sit next to me and be quiet while I read to him.

I hand the book to Spider so he can put it back in my book pile. He takes the book and looks at it. After a while of him looking at the cover, he looks at me and asks a very unexpected question.

"What's your love language?"

Why does Spider want to know what my love language is?

"Oh," I say, a little shocked, "I actually don't know. I never really cared enough to find out. Why do you ask?"

"No reason, just curious." He says, putting the book back in my book pile.

"Well, I would have to say quality time if I were making a guess." I say.

Spider just nods his head.

"What do you think yours is?" I ask.

"Probably physical touch or quality time." Spider says, without hesitation.

"Hm." Is all I say. I don't know why I even asked in the first place, I don't care what Spider's love language is.

Y/n x Spider (From Avatar: The Way of Water)Where stories live. Discover now