I never said that.

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(Spider's POV)

I felt bad about not waking Y/n up, so I decided to go back and wake her up before the day ends. When she wakes up, she practically jumps up. She looks straight at me when she wakes up. Her eyes are wide and her hair is messy.

"Morning." I say, walking away.

I can hear her breathing heavily as I am walking. I feel bad and turn around, "Are you alright? You look like you've seen a ghost."

She looks at me and crosses her arms. "Splendid," She says, sarcastically, "What time is it?"

"I don't know, afternoon." I say, taking a guess.

"Afternoon?" She questions.

I nod, "Mhm."

"Why didn't you wake me up earlier?" Y/n asks, getting up.

"Didn't feel like it." I admit.

I'm not bothered by what she said earlier. I now know what she thinks of me, thanks to Tuk.

Y/n sighs, "Listen, I'm sorry."

"You're what?" I ask, really taken back by what she just admitted.

"Don't make me say it again."

"Sorry, I'm just shocked."

"Why so much?"

"You never say you're sorry."

"Whatever. I just said it, do you forgive me or not?"

"Oh yeah, I did forgive you. A while ago." I say, holding back a laugh.

"Really? That quick?" She asks.

"Yeah, I now know that you don't think I'm dumb."

She crosses her arms, "And what lead you to think that?"

"A little birdie told me."

She straightens her back, "Who might this birdie be and what did they tell you?"

"Who they are will remain a secret," It's Tuk, but I don't tell, "But what they said won't"


"Well, they told me that you don't actually think that I'm an idiot," I look at her for confirmation, but her face is blank, so I just continue, "You do think that I can be very annoying-"

"You are." Y/n interrupts.

"That's not all." I smirk.

"Wipe that dumb smirk off your face, what else?" Y/n hisses.

I do as she says.

I continue, "You don't think I'm terrible." It makes me so happy when I say that. I know that it's not much, she doesn't think I'm terrible, whoop-te-do. But, when talking about Y/n - who hates everyone - I think this is a big win. She doesn't think I'm terrible.

Her jaw sort of drops before she speaks, "Who told you that?"

I shrug, "Who knows?"

She gets closer, "You do, idiot."

"Ah-ah-ah, I know that you don't think I'm an idiot, you can't call me what you don't think of me." I tease.

Y/n clenches her jaw and exhales, annoyed.

"Aw, no more name calling?" I smirk.

She crosses her arms, "There are plenty of things I'd like to call you, but simply choose not to."

I raise an eyebrow and lean closer, "Like what?"

Y/n seems to get flustered and back away slightly, "I'm not going to say."

"Because you don't have anything to say." It's so fun messing with Y/n.

"I do." She says, clenching her jaw.

"Then say it."






"Fine then, I win." I say.

"Win what?" She asks.

"This argument."

"This wasn't an argument. I am much ruder when I'm arguing. This is merely bickering. Something we seem to be doing a lot of, as of recently." She hisses.

"And why do you think we bicker so much?" I ask, just trying to mess with her more and keep the conversation - or bickering - going.

She shrugs, "Beats me. My only guess is that you like to be around me, and the only way you can is by annoying me, which usually leads to us fighting, or more usually, bickering."

"That could be why," I smirk, getting an idea, "Or..."

"Or what?"

"Or YOU'RE the one that wants to be around ME."

"What are you implying? That I like you?" The words just kind of seem to fall out of her mouth.

"Well, I wasn't thinking that before, but now that you say you do, that's definitely a possibility."

"I never said that." She quickly replied.

"Hm, I'm pretty sure that's what I heard."

"Well, you heard incorrectly." She says, huffing. She looks a little embarrassed.

"Why so flustered?" I smirk.

Y/n x Spider (From Avatar: The Way of Water)Where stories live. Discover now