It doesn't matter.

704 19 38

(Y/n's POV)

When I wake up, I don't wake up to Spider shaking me. In fact, I don't see Spider at all. I look over to his bed and see that he's not there. So he's already awake? Then why didn't he wake me up? Is he still mad at me? Or sad? I honestly don't know whether he's sad or mad. It doesn't matter. He's supposed to wake me up, why didn't he? He knows that I will sleep in if he doesn't wake me up. Is he really that offended by what I said? I thought that he would have been over it already.

I get up and out of bed fast and walk off to get ready for my half-day. I slept through most of my day already. I roll my eyes to myself, upset that Spider didn't wake me up. Now, I only have half of the day. I huff angrily as I get ready.

When I am done getting ready, I go to look for Spider. I don't care how awkward it might be between us, I just need to yell at him right now. I don't even care how he feels, I am extremely upset. Now, I'm going to waste more of my day, yelling at him. I don't have to, but I would feel better if I did.

I walk close to the exit and look around the lab. I see Norm.

"Norm!" I yell out, mad. I'm not mad at him, I just can't control my anger.

Norm quickly and frantically turns his head to me, "Yeah?"

"Where is Miles?" I ask, still furious.

"I think he's outside, why?" Norm answers.

"It doesn't matter." I say, storming over to where the masks are.

I am so mad I feel like I am going to burst out in flames. I don't even care that my day is over anymore, I am just so mad at Spider. We were just starting to get close again. But no, he just had to let ONE LITTLE thing that I said get to him. He is such a child.

I put on my oxygen mask and walk outside. I just can't believe that he didn't wake me up. He could have just shaken me a little, he wouldn't have to talk to me. Ugh, he is so annoying and he isn't even here right now. I just want to yell at him so bad. I don't care what I'm going to say, I just need to yell at him. I feel better when I yell, I don't know why. When I yell, I feel all the pressure come out, like a hose that's plugged up, but finally bursts.

As I walk, I grab my knife. I don't intend to hurt Spider, or anything, I just feel powerful with it in my hand.

I don't even know where I'm going. I stop to look around. Where am I? Am I seriously lost right now? I tap my foot at a very quick pace as I try and figure out where I am. I don't even know where the lab is, I wasn't paying attention, I was too caught up being mad at Spider. As the thought of Spider finds its way back into my head, I get angry again.

Okay, I just need to calm down.

I take a deep breath. Breathing in, getting tense. Breathing out, letting out any bad thoughts.

Well, I feel much better. That is until, I see Spider walking this way. I get angry all over again. I don't think he is looking at me, but if he did see me, I bet he would turn in the opposite direction, like the coward he is.

"Miles!" I say as I start storming over to him, and once I take my first step, he turns his sight in my direction. When he spots me, his eyes widen. I just continue to storm over.

He turns around and starts walking away. I walk faster, trying to catch up to him.

When I get close enough, I grab his shoulder and turn him around aggressively, "Miles!" I yell at him. It feels good to yell at him.

He looks me in the eyes, "What?"

I take my hand off his shoulder and yell, "Were you planning on ever waking me up or were you just going to let me waste my day?"

Y/n x Spider (From Avatar: The Way of Water)Where stories live. Discover now