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(I just wanted to say, i dont know what to when people have trauma's i just thought of something that makes sense, and i really DONT want that people are going to do this at home, ⚠️warning: swearing, mental health issues, triggering scenes, nightmare's, insanity, mentions of suicide, little bit of medical stuff, alcohol (please, drinking your problems and pain away isn't right. DONT do this at home!⚠️
(Some information before we start
So bassicly trevor has nightmare's every night and it's driving him crazy what happens when his sister finds out? Lets get going now shall we?)

-i was walking closer to phoebe 'phoebe no!' I screamed out but it was to late the ghost allready possesed her, she was lying on the ground shaking. I ran up to her, i didn't care if the ghost got to me to, i felt for a pulse on phoebe's wrist, Nothing-
'Noo! Phoebe please dont die on me now, hold on!' I said sobbing over phoebe's lifeless body
-i woke up. Cold and covered in sweat, 'what just happened?' I asked to bassicly no one, as i got up and went to take a shower, i saw a small bruise on my arm. 'Shit!' I sweared out, must be from turning a lot in my bed, i thought to myself.
After i took a shower and put on some clothes, i walked into the kitchen, 'hey trevor!' Phoebe greeted me
'Hey' i said trying to calm down my breathing
'You okay trev?' Phoebe asked because she seemed to notice my heavy breathing
'Y..yeah everything is fine, why wouldn't it be?' I asked nervously, i knew phoebe would see through my lies, but it was worth a try
'Youre hiding something' she said seeing through my lies immediatly
'I..its just, after all that ghost stuff. I just haven't been feeling great' i said giving up on hiding the truth
'You should have came to me earlier about this, it happened 2 months ago' she said concerned
'Yeah, i thought it might go away, but it didn't' i said giving up now
'What doesn't go away?' She asked
'The nightmare's, i keep getting them it's driving me nuts' i said, letting out little sobs and my knees slowly gave up and i fell to the ground, still crying
'Trev? Hey can you look at me?' Phoebe said as she sat next to me
-i looked at her 'What's wrong with me?' I asked-
'Trauma's, i have witnessed people with trauma's before' she said still concerned
'Dont worry relax, focus on your breathing' she said
-i try'd to breathe, but my breath was stuck i had the feeling i could sufficate any minute 'trev! Breathe with me' phoebe said and she slowly started to breathe, for me to follow. After a while my breathing was steady and phoebe helped me from the ground-
'Thanks pheebs' i thanked her
'No problem, youre my brother i'm not going to let you down' she said
'Will you tell where those nightmare's are all about?' She asked me
'O...okay, i'll tell you. On one condition' i hesitated but eventually made a desicion
'What do i need to do for you trev?' She said
'Please, just dont tell mom all of this' i said
'Trevor, mom NEEDS to know this' she said
'Why? I dont want her to know, she'll take me to a theraphist, i dont want that pheebs please' i begged her
'No i'm going to need to tell her, this is bad trevor. Those trauma's are bad' she said concerned
'N..no p..please!' I begged
-phoebe gave me a big hug ' i'm sorry trevor, but i need to tell. I just need to' phoebe said 'no please dont!' I begged her as we pulled out of the hug-
I'm so so sorry trev this had to happen to you, i know that you dont want this but it will make you feel better okay?' She said
'No,no,no! Please please dont i dont want to NO!' I screamed
'Please trev, listen to me!' She said looking right into my eyes
'Trevor? Please let me explain' she said grabbing a hold of my shoulders
'N..no' i stuttered
'Yes!' She said confident
'Look at me!' She said now looking straight in my eyes
'P....please?' I begged
'It'll all be okay trevor' she said rubbing a hand over my back 'shh It's all good'
-the door of the house opened and our mom walked in-
'Hey guys where are you?' She asked
'In the kitchen!' Phoebe said
-callie walked over into the kitchen-
'Hey guys sorry i'm late, i was ju...' she said but stopped talking as she saw trevor's tear stained face
'Omg honey what happened?' She asked her son
'He has trauma's mom, and bad ones' Phoebe said
'Oh honey, here give me a hug' she said and hugged trevor tight' It's okay, we'll get you out of this, you'll be fine dont worry' she said holding the shaking boy in her arms
'No theraphist visits?' I asked
'No, dont worry, only when it's really bad. But that wont happen we'll make sure it wont!' She wispered to me
-i began to cry 'why me? Why always fucking me?!' I screamed, phoebe and my mom quikly jumped out of the way
-i fell to the floor, sobbing-
'Its all going to be okay' phoebe wrapped her arms around me in a big embrace 'We wont let you go, we'll get you through this together, okay?' Phoebe said, i nodded 'thanks mom, thanks pheebs' and silently began to cry on phoebe's shoulder

Aww its so sweet, phoebe is just so genuine with trevor its just so sweet.
Anyway i hope you liked this first part see you next chapter
Bye bye 👋
Wordcount 989

Anyway i hope you liked this first part see you next chapter Bye bye 👋 Wordcount 989

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(This picture of phoebe and trevor together is just so sweet ❤️🥰)

Empty mind' Trevor Spengler Where stories live. Discover now