•this is what heaven's supposed to be?•

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Trevor's pov

-Breath! I thought to myself
I'm going to be okay, ow god this is so hard!. My vision was getting really blurry and before i knew i passed out from lack of oxygen

'Mom? Phoebe?' I asked around
'Trev! Over here' i heard someone say
'Pheebs?' I asked out
'Yes trev?' Phoebe came out into the light for me to see her, her clothes were all dirty and she had a big wound on her stomach
'Phoebe you okay?' I asked
'I am what do mean?' She asked confused
'Your bleeding!' I say concerned
'It doesn't hurt dont worry' she said
'Huh? I said touching my own wound on my chest
'Welcome to heaven' phoebe said
'So were dead?' I ask
'Yes' she said
-i woke up breathing heavily and uneven, someone was next to me and i didn't have the strength to open my eyes
'Trev!' I heard Lucky say to me
'Hmm' i could only slur out
'Trevor!' Lucky said as she engulfed me in a big hug
'Your feeling okay?' She asked concerned
Y..yeah i..i'll. M..manage' i said my voice finally working for me
'Oh lord, your burning up' Lucky said feeling my head
'I'm fine, dont worry' i said
'No you're not' she said
'I'll be fine, please dont worry about me' i told her
'Ugh, why cant you just give in?' She asked annoyed
'There is nothing to give into' i say stuborn not trying to get Lucky involved in my mental health problems
'Why dont you go home and rest for a while? How does that sound?' She asked
'Lucky i already told you, i'm Fine' i say
'No, get rest i'll do the work' she said pushing me towards the door
'Ugh, fine!' I say walking to the car
'Good thank you, Bye trev!' She waves goodbye
'Bye' i say as i drive off, once at home i emmediatly went upstairs to my room, and i decided it would be good if i got some sleep so headed to bed, not even taking my clothes off i lay down and fall to sleep very fast
'No, i'm not dead' i say
'Yes you are' phoebe said
'I gave in, no, no, no, no!' I said
'Dont worry relax, you'll be okay' she said
'Ugh, this just doesn't seem right' i say
'I know, but youre going to get used to it' she says wile taking out the knife in my chest 'Thanks pheebs' i say 'no problem' she says smiling at me
'So this is what heaven is supposed to be like?' I ask to myself
'Omg!' I say out loud
'Trev?' Phoebe asks
'Yeah?' I ask her
'You okay?' She asks
'Fine, just a dream but i'll be fine' i say
'Alright' she said hugging me

Short chapter but i also have Finn wolfhard images to finish and a new project i'm working on so it will take a while untill i'll finish this one and my foah fic, anyways hope you liked it
Byebye 👋
Wordcount 513

Empty mind' Trevor Spengler Where stories live. Discover now