•a not so fond memory•

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Callie's pov

I was waiting anxiously for the doctor to tell how Trevor was doing, i need to know how he's doing.
'Okay, mrs splengler. Trevor's surgery was succesfull and he made it through slightly unharmed, tho we did face a few problems on the way. So i came out to ask about his hospital visits so far we need to figure out if this thing we've found is genetic or an infection' the doctor says
'What's going on with him anyway?' I ask
'The surgeon's found swelling just below his abdomen, we want to know what it is. It could also be from the crash but just to make sure' she says
'Well so far i know he never had problems with his abdomen or whatever so, i can asume it's from the crash then?' I say
'In this case scenario if that is even the case, we'll have to put him through a series of tests to see what might be wrong and if it has effect on him' she says while writing something on her clipboard
'Right, well is he awake atleast? I ask
'Yes he is but he is still very fragile and drowsy due to the anesthesia' she says
'Okay, well can he get visitors yet?' I ask
'Yes he can but first he needs to be tranferred to a different room, so if you mind that we do that first?' She asks
'Thank you so much' i say
'Ofcourse' the doctor says before dissapearing into the room again
'I'm going to call Phoebe' i say before taking my phone out my pocket
'Okay, i'll wait' Gary says
I quikly dial Phoebe's number. 'Please answer pheebs' i say under my breath

Phoebe's pov

I was watching the rain outside when the phone went over, who calls at this time? It's like 12 AM. I picked the phone up anyways and answer it.
'Pheebs' i hear my moms concerned voice on the other side of the phone
'Mom is Trevor okay?' I ask
'He got out emergency surgery just a few minutes ago, he's being taken to a normal room now to further heal' she says
'Surgery?! Was it so bad?' I ask, i'm not going to lie when i say i'm scared for Trevor. He was probably so scared
'Phoebe? Do you want to see him?' I hear my mom ask
'Yes!' I say with excitement
'Well then maybe Lucky would also want to see him, maybe you can ask her to drive you here' my mom says
'Okay, i'll be there soon' i say
'We'll be waiting for you' she says
'Bye' i say
'Bye honey' she says before leaving the call
'Lucky!' I scream as i run downstairs
'Phoebe what's wrong?' She asks concerned
'I just got called by mom and she said that we could visit Trevor now' i say
'That's great, i'll be right with you. I got to tell the others we're gone' Lucky says before going upstairs

~a few moments later~

Lucky walked back downstairs
'We can go now' she says before leading me to her car
'Yay!' I say before hopping in the car with her and soon we're of
The car ride was fast since the hospital was close, my mom had already messaged me the adres of the hospital and what room Trevor was in.
'Well here we are' Lucky says as we get out of the car
We quikly head inside. Once inside we go to the ward Trevor is at and go to the receptionist there, she tells us to go to his room and wait there
'So do you know what's going on with Trevor, i mean i knew his injuries were bad but what happened?' Lucky asks
'Well, he got surgery not so long ago but that's the only thing mom told me' i say
'Wait surgery? Was it so bad?' She asks
'Yeah, i was shocked aswell when mom said it' i say
'Oh Trevor' Lucky says under her breath but i can still hear her

Lucky's pov

We finally arrive at Trevor's room, Callie and Gary are waiting for us
'Lucky, pheebs, you're here' Callie says
'Can i see Trev now?' Phoebe asks
'Alright' Callie says before opening the door next to them
'Trevor!' Phoebe says as she runs up to his bed
'Oh dear' i say as i see him, i didn't see him like this yet, he was very pale, his hair was wet it looked like he has been sweating a lot.
He was attached to a IV and a few machines. His leg was in a cast and he was sitting up.
'Phoebe?' Trevor asks as his sister stands next to the bed
'Come here' he says as Phoebe and him hug
'I thought you died' Phoebe says
'Do you remember what i said two years ago when i was in the hospital?' He asks
'No?' She says
'I told you i would never leave you, and i would be there for you' he says
'Thank you brother' Phoebe says
'Ofcourse always' he says
'Lucky?' Trevor says as he sees me
'I'll leave you two' Phoebe says before leaving the room
'I've missed you' Trevor says his voice was raspy probably due to the fact he just woke up
'Shh' i shush him
'What?-' he says before i cut him of
'You don't have to say anything, it's okay' i say
He looked at me, i come closer and sit on the side of the bed next to Trevor, 'shh, it's going to be okay' i say while i clear the hair out of his face
'You think?' He asks
'Shhh, just relax' i tell him
He closed his eyes, his heartbeat slowed down a bit. Was that normal? I asked myself. He quickly opened his eyes as if he didn't want me to see him like this.
'You know i've been worried about you right?' I ask
'Yes, i thought you'd be worried' he says
'Well Ofcourse. Your sister had to tell me how you were doing. And i still can't believe you had surgery, you do realise that right?' I ask
'Yeah i do, there are stitches all over my body to prove that, so yeah i know' he says
'You do realise you have to rest right?' I ask him
'Yeah, i'm still mad that i can't go ghost hunting with you guys' he says
'Well you crashed that damn car, it's kinda your own mistake you're in the hospital right now' i say
'I know, and i should have watched out more, i'm sorry' he says
'Sorry? Don't be' i say
'Why? I crashed the car, i did that' he says
'Just don't worry alright, everything will be okay' i say
'Thanks lucky' he says
'Come here' i say before pulling him towards me, i gave him a hug
He just cried on my shoulder, then machines around him started to beep, he turns limb in my arms, i put him back down on the bed before i call for a doctor in a panick. the doctor soon rushes into the room, i am told to leave the room but i don't want to leave Trevor. i just hold Trevor's hand, in the hopes he would wake up. his hand was ice cold but he is sweating terribly.
The doctor is feeling around his stomach, i'm confused why she is doing that but it must have some medical reason.
'i'm going to get his mother, will you be okay staying with him?' the doctor asks    'sure, i'll be fine' i say before the doctor nods and leaves the room. 

~after about two minutes~

Carrie and the doctor come into the room in a hurry. 'oh dear, Lucky what happened?' Carrie asks
'i went to comfort Trevor and he just fell limb in my arms' i say
'doctor? what's going to happen now?' Carrie asks
'well the swelling has gotten worse, we're going to give him a examination to see what we can do about it' she answers
'alright' Carrie says
'can i stay with him' i ask
'i could use someone to maybe assist me if he wakes up' the doctor says
'well i'm sure i'll be a good help' i say
'shall we start then' she asks
'i'd rather not stay here, i'll be outside. take good care of him Lucky he means a lot to me' Carrie says
'i'll make sure he is okay' i say
'thank you' Carrie says before leaving the room and closing the door
'okay, lucky right?' the doctor asks
'yes' i say
'okay, this is what we're going to do. i'm going to do a blood test then you come in, you will just hold his hand while i do the test okay, he might wake up due to the needle but we'll get there when we're at it' the doctor instructs me
'okay, that should't be to hard, right?' i say
'i need to warn you, he is pretty strong even in his weakened state' she says, that was quite the suprise to me because Trevor is totally not so strong
'also he lost quite a bit of weight during the surgery, which isn't good at all, he was using all his energy to stay alive' the doctor says 
'oh, but how?' i ask
'i don't know, nobody knows how' she answers
'that's what we're going to try and figure out now' she says while setting up everything for the blood test
'hope you'll be able to figure it out' i say
'yeah, now if you could hold his hand' the doctor says
'okay' i say as i take a hold of his hand, it is so cold but his hand palm is sweaty, i'm worried about that
the doctor cleans the area where she's going to put the needle, then she tells me what to do if he wakes up. then she slowly but the needle in his skin, he immediatly opens his eyes and tries to pull the needle out, i quickly hold his hand down and put my hand on his chest to prevent him from sitting up
'what is this?' he asks
'shhh, just lay back' i say
he immediatly obeys and lays back letting the doctor do her work. he looks at me with a slight smile
'Where is Phoebe?' He asks
'She is in the hallway waiting untill we're done' i say
'Alright, is it okay if i sleep for a bit?' he asks before closing his eyes
'Yeah, i don't think that's a problem' i say before the doctor shakes her head
'Trevor, you should stay up' she says
'Why?' He asks as he opens his eyes
'It's just for the examinations okay, after that you can sleep' she says
'Thank you' Trevor says while the doctor takes out the needle and puts a band aid on his hand
'I have to go' i say before giving Trevor a quick goodbye kiss on his cheek and then leaving the room
'Bye Lucky' he says before i go out of the room
'I'm back Phoebe, we can go home now. Does any of you need a ride back?' I ask Callie and Gary
'No need dear' Callie answers
'You sure?' I ask
'I'm going to stay here for Trev' she says
'Okay, see you tomorrow then' i say before i lead phoebe back to the car.
'Thank you sm Lucky' Phoebe says
'Ofcourse Phoebe, you're like a sister to me'
'Thanks' Phoebe says smiling

I hope you liked it <3 and it wasn't so dark this time around, don't worry there will be more opportunities for me to add drama, let me know if you like it so far
Byebye 👋
Wordcount 1982

I hope you liked it <3 and it wasn't so dark this time around, don't worry there will be more opportunities for me to add drama, let me know if you like it so farByebye 👋Wordcount 1982

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He looks good even in jail 🤭
I need this man, not even kidding.
Anyway Bye pookies

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