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Phoebe's pov

'So, he has trauma's and you dont know what to do about it?' Podcast asked me
'Exactly! And he doesn't want to go to a theraphist, he basicly was begging for me to not tell mom. He thought that she was going to bring him to a theraphist' i said
'Oh, well you could try and give him sleep pills or use that trick i saw last week you know' Podcast said
'What trick?' I asked
'You know what people use on insomnia patients, the wrist thingy, you know?' Podcast said
'That trick is cap' i said
'No it works really trust me' Podcast said
'And how do you know that?' I asked
'I did it myself, not that i dont sleep good but i slept longer' Podcast said
'It doesn't work like that' i said 'you cant fix trauma's with better sleep, no he needs to be brought through it to let them go away' i said

~with trevor at work~
Trevor's pov

'I dont know how to cope with it! It's driving me crazy!' I said almost crying
'Hey its okay, we'll get you through this!' Lucky said
'Y..yeah sure' i said annoyed
'I'm sure you'll be fine' Lucky said and put her arm around my shoulder
'Yeah, thank you Lucky for cheering me up' i said happy with my friend
'No problem trev, i'm always there if you need me' Lucky said
'Thank you Lucky, youre my best friend' i said
'Thank you, hey do you mind closing the restaurant off tonight, i have a family function, so i wont be able to be here tonight!' Lucky said
'Sure i'll close it off tonight' i said
-i zoned out while doing work, but i didn't realise i fell to the ground and when i woke up i wasn't at work but in white room- 'where am i?' I asked not seeing my sister and mom sitting next to the bed i was on, 'trev your awake!' Phoebe said
'Wha.. what's going on?' I asked
'Hey, hey calm down' my mom said
'Phoebe? Where am i?' I started to panick and scream
'Trevor? Calm down!' My mom pushed me back on the bed as i try'd to get out
'LET ME GO!!' i screamed
'Trev? Shh its okay' phoebe said
i pushed phoebe back
-a doctor rushed in and told phoebe and my mom to get out of the way, she grabbed my arm and put a needle in my skin, i screamed like crazy-
'Stop! NO! PLEASE STOP!' i screamed on the top of my lungs, i try'd to close out the pain by closing my eyes and before i knew i was in sleep
'Lucky? Phoebe? Mom?' I asked out as my gaze fell to the ground
'Phoebe? Lucky? NO!!!' I screamed out at the sight of my dead sister and friend
'Trevor?' My mom apeared behind me
'Mom?' I asked
'Leave them!' She said
'i'm not leaving them!' I said crying
'Yes you are! Youre coming with me!' She said grabbing my hair and pulling me behind her, and trowing me against a hard rock, i screamed like crazy because of the pain
'You cant save them because i killed them, and i'm going to do the same to you!' she said with a evil smirk on her face, as she pulled out a sharp knife
'This will be quick trevor, you'll be reunited with them soon enough' she said looking in my eyes
'N..no' i stuttered losing the abillity to speak
'Yes' she said as a evil grin filled her features eyes hollow and empty, but still full of life in a creepy way
-she slowly brought the knife to my chest, i closed my eyes waiting for it to happen, i felt a excuciating pain in my chest and i felt the blood seeping down from my chest, i closed my eyes giving up on myself. My body couldn't take the pain-
'Shh, yes thats it, go to sleep my little angel, you'll be there soon. Dont worry' my mom said in a calming but creepy voice brushing the hair out of my face
-i eventually gave in and it went all black-
-i woke up by screaming and beebing of something, as i slowly opened my eyes i saw people surrounding me, 'What's happening?' I asked with a raspy voice
'Dont worry relax' a doctor told me
'Wha? What's going on?' I asked again
'Shh, dont move, it's okay. It will only hurt you' the doctor said
'Hey, hey, hey, what are you doing with that?' I asked as one of the doctor slowly put a iv in my arm
'Shh, dont move' she said and put a oxygenmask on my face
-i could't breathe very well, but after i had the oxygenmask on i could breath right again. I eventually fell asleep-

Phoebe's pov

'Mom?' I asked my mom
'Y..yes?' She said crying a little because of the shock
'What's happening with trevor?' I asked concerned
'He was hyperventilating, he'll get through it dont worry pheebs' she said tottaly not convincing
'What if he isn't?' I asked
'Hey he will phoebe, dont think like that' my mom said
'Yeah, he strong he can do it' i said
-a doctor walked in-
'Is he okay?' I asked
'Well, we have taken a scan of his body and it turns out that the trauma's he has, have reached to far and has impact on his brain, and if we dont do something soon his brain will die' she said
'Omg, are you able to heal him?' I asked
'We arent completely sure, but we'll try our best, he's on life support now just in case his treatment goes wrong' the doctor said
'Okay, are we able to see him or?' My mom asked
'I'm sorry but i cant let you see him, he in critical condition and he's going to need rest, i'm sorry' she explained
'Okay, thank you for telling us' my mom said
'No! Please i want to see him, i need to know if he's okay' i said
'Phoebe dont worry he'll be okay, i'm sure they'll take good care of him' my mom said as the doctor walked of
'Mom? I dont think he'll be okay, you heard what she said, he's on life support!' I said crying
'Shh, i know it's hard for you and i'm scared to but we just need to have faith in the doctors okay?' She said pulling me in a big hug

~time skip brought to you by my fabulous 🐔chicken🐔 ✨️💅🏻noodle💅🏻✨️ (thats her name🍜)

'So your saying trevor is dying?' Lucky asked
'Yeah basicly' i said
'Is he seriously on life support?' Lucky asked concerned
'Yeah, he's not doing well, he's having seizures and random break downs that he cant control, you can litteraly see the pain in his eyes i'm so worried, what if he needs to go to a mental hospital?' I said on the verge of tears, i started to cry
'Ow no!' Lucky said hugging me, he'll get out of this phoebe, he's a strong boy' Lucky said trying to calm me down
-after a while i said bye to Lucky and went to visit Podcast and tell him about Trevor-
'Podcast?' I asked after i told him everything
'I'm sorry phoebe, i already knew and w..well' he said
'Well what?' I asked
'Your mom, she was here just a few minutes ago, and she told that he passed away an hour ago, i'm so sorry for your loss' Podcast said
'W..what no! NO! THIS CANT BE HAPPENING!' i screamed out crying in Podcast's arms
-i woke up by someone shaking me-
'What?' I blurted out
'You okay pheebs?' I saw trevor looking at me concerned
-i quikly hugged him hanging on for dear life-
'What is this for?' He asked
'I..i g..got a nightmare, it was horrible' i said crying on his shoulder
'What was it about?' He asked
'Y..you you died, i..it seemed so real' i said still crying
'Me? Dying? I have the same nightmare's but it was you dying by the ghost's' i said
'Trevor, you were on life support and .an..d you...' i trailed of
'Hey, i was on life support, not anymore and i'm fine now, i'm all okay and were safe and sound' he said hugging my shaking body
'Shh, i'm fine, as long as i still use my medicine i should be fine' he said with a calming voice
'Y..yeah?' I asked still shaking
'Yes' he said, putting a hand on my cheek, staring into my eyes
'I wont just give up, i'm not leaving you, ever! At least not now' He said with calming voice brushing his hand over my hair
'Your my sister and i love you and trust you, i'm not leaving you!' He told me
'I love you to! Brother' i said

Right, cool. Hope to see ya'll next chapter. And i hope you liked this chapter
Byebye 👋
Wordcount 1533

 And i hope you liked this chapter Byebye 👋 Wordcount 1533

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Empty mind' Trevor Spengler Where stories live. Discover now