•all because of ghost's•

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'Trev?' Phoebe screamed
'Yeah?' I reply while running downstairs
'You need your medicine' Phoebe said
'Ow hell nahw, not now!' I said
'Sorry' phoebe said
'Are you giving me my medicine or?' I asked
'Yeah, we dont have much choice mom told me to do it, cuz she's out with Gary again' she said annoyed as she grabbed a needle to inject my medicine
'Come on, why cant i skip it for once?' I asked
'No you cant trev, listen i dont want to do this either but i have to' she said as i sat down and put my arm on the table
-phoebe sat next to me, she slowly lifted up my sleeve 'ready?' She asked
'Yes, lets just get this over with as fast as possible' i said
She slowly put the needle in my skin and injected the fluid, after that she took it out, 'aargh phoebe! That hurt!' I said
'Sorry i didn't mean to hurt you' she apoligised
'No, its okay' i said forgiving
'Hey. Trev?' Phoebe asked
'Yeah what's up?' I asked
'What do you wanna do?' She asked me
'I dont know just chill i quess' i said
'Right? Chill, werent you going to help Lucky today?' She asked
'No, i have the day off' i say stretching out
'Okay, well i'm going on a date tonight so' she said
'You are WHAT?' I asked in disbelief
'Yeah' she said proud
'With who?' I asked
'Podcast' she said
'Alright have fun i guess' i say not suprised at my sister going out with Podcast, she's been talking about him all summer, it started to get a little annoying. Phoebe talked about how smart he is and that he knows everything, i could't care anyway
'Well i'm going to change into something more apropriate' phoebe said and walked away to her room to change
-after a while she came back in a black skirt with black boots and a brown jacket, her hair brushed neatly to the side. She was even wearing a little bit of makeup-
'Wow, looking good pheebs' i said shocked
'You think so? Is it to much?' She asked
'It's fine, Podcast is going to love it!' I say confident
'Yeah, ehm i may need to ask for a lift?' She said
'Come on!, lets get going then shall we?' I said grabbing the car keys and my coat
'Alright, you know that fountain on the left of that country kinda store?' She asked
'Yeah? What's up with that place?' I ask
'Could you drop me of there?' She asked
'Sure, hold on tight!' I say starting the car, and we were off!

I'm sorry for this small chapter i just wanted to show you what phoebe and trevor are up to when they're not fighting for there lives
Hope you like it
Byebye 👋
Wordcount 480

Empty mind' Trevor Spengler Where stories live. Discover now