•this time it's real•

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(Warning: contains spoilers from ghostbusters frozen empire and has some bloody situations)

Trevor's pov

'What just happened?' I ask as i drive the ecto 1 through new york
'We really defeated Garraka?' Phoebe asks as if she doesn't believe it
'Yeah we did and i'm damn proud of you pheebs' mom says with a smile
'But don't ever disobey us like that again alright, oh yeah and Trevor you gotta took after your sister sometime, she may be independent now but you know how she is' Gary says
'Anyway just keep an eye on her' he says
'For starters don't say it when i'm in the same car as you and 2 cut straight to the point' Phoebe says flat out
'Yeah, still not used to that attitude but eh, that's fine' Gary says while probably debating his life choices
'It's not an attitude It's just straight up facts and simple knowledge' Phoebe says
'Everything is simple knowledge to you' i say annoyed as i drive the car towards mainstreet
'That's just because you're dumb' she says
'Right, to you i am yes..' i say but got cut of by Phoebe
'And you're a dork-' she says before getting cut of by our mom screaming
'TREV! LOOK OUT!- that was the last thing before the ecto 1 colided with a taxi and my world went dark........

~time skip~

When i woke up there was smoke everwhere. I could see the faint lights of ambulance sirens in the distance and i could hear people calling out my name.
I didn't feel the pain at first, only when i tried to sit, my leg was hurting like actuall hell and i felt like i couldn't breathe, the smoke made it even worse.
I wanted for someone to see me, find me and help me.
'Trevor! Where are you' i heard a concerned Lucky say but i never saw her as if she wasn't there
The world seemed to spin, my head pounded and my leg was in a weird position and i had a excuciating headache, there was a foul copper taste in my mouth, blood. The strong taste was getting worse, i tried to cough which worsened the situation even more, it made me sick to my core, by all the pain i was in then came a really bad pressure on my stomach that started to get rapidly more painfull and i had to hold my hand on my stomach in order to find a comfortable position even tho that was hard inbetween the ruble, i could feel and taste the blood on my lips, i let the blood trickle down from my mouth, it had started to rain a bit now and my family and Lucky were nowhere to be seen, had they forgot about me? I ask myself as i hear footsteps near me
'Trevor? Is that you?' I recognised the voice, it was Phoebe
'P..pheebs' i managed to say with a rough aching throat
'Mom!! I found Trevor!' Phoebe screams for our mom
'Phoebe!' My mom says as she and Lucky apear behind her
'Is he okay?' Lucky asks
'Don't know, didn't have time to check' Phoebe says before crouching infront of me
'Ph..pheebs... it h..hurts' i say before my body gives up and pulls me to the world of the unconcious. Dark...unconcious..pain.....silence

Phoebe's pov

'Trevor?!' I shake his body to try and wake him up again but he is so deep in sleep i can't wake him
'Honey, he's unconcious' my mom says
'I can see that mom, okay' i say to her
'Right, we need to get him to a hospital' she says before grabbing Trevor's legs
'Lucky, could you be a dear and help me move him to the ambulances?' My mom asks Lucky
She hesitates but quickly grabs his arms and together they take my brother away.
'Phoebe!' Podcast asks as he runs to me
'What happened?' He asks confused
'Are you okay?' He asks quickly
'I'm fine, it's Trevor i'm more worried about' i say while looking back at where Trevor just lay seconds ago
'I saw that they were walking to the ambulance while carrying him, hope he's okay tho' podcast says
'hope he will, let's go back to them to see how he is doing' i say
'Sounds like a good plan' podcast says before he walks of
I stare at where Trevor just lay before following podcast
As we came back to where the ambulances were i could see Ray, Winston, Janine, Peter and
Nadeem all standing next to eachother talking with slight concern
I caught a bit of their conversation
'What about the taxi driver?' Janine asks
'Dead, no saving possible' Ray says with concern
'Well the kid is lucky then' Winston says
'Yeah but he doesn't seem to look very good, he definitely got quite serious injuries' Lars says as he joins the conversation
'Where'd you come from?' Peter asks as Lars stands next to them
'Nowhere, just been snooping around a bit, nothing to personall' he says
'Nothing to personall huh? I know you for quite some time now and i'm guessing you checked on the boy? Is that correct or are my suspicions wrong?' Winston asks-
More than that i couldn't hear because before i could walk closer podcast had already pulled me with him to the nearest ambulance
'Podcast what are you doing? I was trying to eavesdrop' i say
'Doesn't matter what you tried to do, your brother might be in danger and all you care about is ghost stories' podcast says
'It wasn't ghost stories, they were talking about Trevor' i say
'Just come on' podcast says as we arrive at the ambulance
'Phoebe!' My mom says as she and Gary run up to us
'How is Trevor?' I ask cutting straight to the point
'He has to go to the hospital now, we'll join him in the ambulance' she answers
'I need to know how he's doing!' I say
'But Phoebe-' my mom says but i cut her of before she can say any more
'I want to see him' i say
'Not right now Phoebe' Gary says
'Please! I need to know if my brother is okay, maybe i could help' i say
'No way! No way, we're not letting you in there, the paramedics got it okay' Gary says
'Stop acting like you're my dad while you're clearly not!' I say out of anger
'Sweetie we just want to protect you' my mom says
'Protect me? From what exactly?' I ask
'We just don't want you to see your brother like that okay?' My mom says
'I was the one who found him in the first place so i should be the one coming with him to the hospital' i say
'That's not how it works Phoebe' my mom says
'Your mom is right, it's better if you stay back at the firehouse' he says
'I don't care what works i need to be with trevor, he needs me. Please?!' I begged them

Empty mind' Trevor Spengler Where stories live. Discover now