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Chapter 1051: Melting, Hongzhuang

After everyone saw the appearance of Di Beichen, the practitioners on the second floor of the entire blood gas tower were all stunned for a moment.

Just looking at the man's temperament, they can feel the man's extraordinariness.

This is an innate temperament, even if others imitate it, it cannot be learned.

Baili Hongzhuang looked at the Di Beichen beside her in amazement. She also didn't expect that the Di Beichen would suddenly appear, which was beyond her expectation.

Di Beichen looked at the question in Baili Hongzhuang's eyes, the corners of his lips evoked an evil and perfect arc, he understood what Baili Hongzhuang was thinking.

Although he said that when Baili Hongzhuang is practicing, he will not make a move until the last moment.

However, this situation is different now.

Blood Rose is mocking his lady for being unattractive. At this time, if he can't stand up as a mate, wouldn't he let other women bully his lady?

Although he knows Baili Hongzhuang's temperament does not take it to heart, but Baili Hongzhuang doesn't care, doesn't mean he doesn't care either!

Although Baili Hongzhuang was a little surprised, she also knew that Di Beichen was making a stand for her, and a smile slowly appeared on her delicate face.

This man really can't see her being wronged at all.

At the moment when Baili Hongzhuang showed her smile, all the men present looked at Baili Hongzhuang infatuatedly.

They have never seen Baili Hongzhuang's smile before. Her cold appearance made her feel holy. She can only be seen from a distance, not to be indecent.

At this moment, Baili Hongzhuang's blooming lips smiled like a snow mountain melted, with shocking beauty.

If Baili Hongzhuang's frosty appearance seemed to them similar to the blood rose, but now Baili Hongzhuang's beautiful smile has completely defeated the blood rose.

Such a blood rose cannot be compared with Baili Hongzhuang at all, because the charming style can be practiced, but the appearance and temperament cannot be imitated.

"My God, I didn't expect this Baili Hongzhuang to smile so beautifully, my heart will melt."

"Who is this man? Baili Hongzhuang just let him hold her. If I knew this, I am the first to answer when the blood rose asked."

"I heard that this man and Baili Hongzhuang knew each other. He should be the lover of Baili Hongzhuang."

Yesterday Baili Hongzhuang made a lot of noise on the first floor of the Blood Qi Tower, so when she left, there were also many cultivators.

Everyone noticed that Baili Hongzhuang walked into the inn with a man. Obviously, that man should be the man in front of her.

After knowing the relationship between Baili Hongzhuang and Di Beichen, everyone was a little envious, but they had to admit that this Baili Hongzhuang and Di Beichen standing together is really a match made in heaven.

Blood Rose stared blankly at the handsome man in front of her. She only felt that her heart, which hadn't beaten for so many years, was beating again after seeing this man.

This man seems to have the power to fascinate the soul, even if he just stares at her indifferently, she can't control her heartbeat.

It's just that after seeing Di Beichen's gentle and petting smile to Baili Hongzhuang, a deep jealousy appeared in her eyes involuntarily.

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