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Chapter 1211: Shot, Hongzhuang

Wu Yuexin and others stared at the Baili Hongzhuang, they were also stunned.

Actually, Han Xiling's identity, status and strength are stronger than Baili Hongzhuang. It should be Han Xiling's fierce suppression of Baili Hongzhuang.

Unfortunately, the angry and mad Han Xiling and the generous Baili Hongzhuang seem to have exchanged their identities.

After seeing these two people, they couldn't help but feel that Baili Hongzhuang is even better, and Han Xiling is much inferior in front of her.

"There was a big brother here before and I really couldn't do anything to you, but now that the big brother is no longer here, I will send you to hell soon!"

Han Xiling's face is covered full of resentment, with a wave of her right hand, Wu Yuexin and the others immediately understood, and immediately greeted the five members of Baili Hongzhuang!

"It's ridiculous that Han Xiling is so immoral when she is dying!"

Xiao Bai sneered. Today's Han Xiling is no different from a fool in his eyes.

"I've been looking forward to the day of hands-on with this stinky woman, I want her to cry and kneel in front of our master!"

Xiao Hei waved his hands, eyes filled with the color of excitement, it had been waiting for this day for a long time!

"I'm going to bite her neck!"

A fierce light flashed across the white lion's eyes. This woman was really ugly, and he wanted Han Xiling to shut up completely.

Baili Hongzhuang sneered and looked at the people approaching, "Han Xiling, I used to save the face of Di Beichen and never did anything to you.

Now that you are looking for trouble yourself, I don't mind sending you to Huangquan."

Listening to Baili Hongzhuang's words, Han Xiling laughed exaggeratedly as if she had heard a good joke.

"Haha, I heard it right? It's up to you?"

Baili Hongzhuang raised her hand and shot a silver needle directly at Han Xiling, "That's right! It's up to me!"

Han Xiling only talked to Baili Hongzhuang, she didn't expect Baili Hongzhuang to make a sudden move.

When she reacted, a silver needle had already pierced her throat, and the whole person was shocked and froze in place.

However, after realizing that she did not have any problems, Han Xiling also relaxed and stretched out her hand to directly pull out the silver needle that Baili Hongzhuang used to stab her throat.

What a joke!

With just such a silver needle without any power, Baili Hongzhuang wanted to deal with her, it was so funny!

The faces of Wu Yuexin and others also showed smiles. They thought that Baili Hongzhuang would use some great tricks, but they did not expect it to be just such a silver needle without any lethality.

Even when Han Xiling pulled out the silver needle, there was not even a drop of blood on her skin, which was ridiculous.

"I thought Baili Hongzhuang had some abilities, just using such a useless silver needle, did you think we were all paperless?"

Wu Yuexin sneered, this was the most interesting trick she had seen so far.

"We are not children. Could it be that we would cry if we got stuck with such a silver needle?"

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