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Chapter 1421: Great, Hongzhuang

The practitioners of the Qin Run Dynasty and the Wanyun Dynasty who were in the fight, after seeing such a terrifying energy collision, stopped their movements and retreated quickly.

Once such energy rages, its power is extremely powerful.

None of them wanted to be affected by this aftermath, so they could only stop standing east.

It's just that, after seeing the horrific fluctuations in the battle between Baili Hongzhuang and Han Xiling, everyone didn't know what to say.

The energy exploded by the two women was so amazing. As a practitioner of the Tiangang Sect, Han Xiling had such a fighting power was not surprising.

But what was the sacred part of Baili Hongzhuang, her attack power was so powerful, it was just too amazing.

'Since when has the power of medium-sized dynasty practitioners been so powerful?"

"This kind of combat power is very impressive even in large dynasties."

"Fortunately, we are not against them. In the future, we will have to be careful when encountering a team of a medium-sized dynasty. If we encounter a pervert with such a powerful fighting capacity, it will be really unlucky."

That crazy raging energy, everyone's heart is full of defamation. In comparison, the combat effectiveness of some large dynasties is not so terrible.

"Baili Hongzhuang is so powerful!"

Baili Haoxuan had been completely dumbfounded. The waste that was bullied by him all the time had become so powerful now. This kind of combat power was quite extraordinary. He couldn't help but clapped his hands in applause.

If Baili Hongzhuang would be allowed to continue her development, in the future, she would be a famous figure in the Saint Profound Continent!

Maybe, after the assessment contest is over, she will become a sect cultivator.

Until then, the gap between them will really be a gap that cannot be bridged.

"She is no longer the original Baili Hongzhuang. After this assessment contest is over, we should not see her again."

Xuanyuanhuan's voice was faint. Feeling melancholy, a genius like Baili Hongzhuang was simply not something a country with a strong wind could keep.

The stupidest thing he did in his life was to give up Baili Hongzhuang.

Listening to Xuanyuanhuan's words, Baili Haoxuan was taken aback for a moment, and then he acquiesced.

The General's Mansion was so bad to Baili Hongzhuang. With Baili Hongzhuang's current ability, it was indeed impossible to go back.

At this moment, he finally understood why his father was so lonely when Baili Hongzhuang left.

Thinking about it, it was a pity that the General Mansion lost an excellent help.

"Maybe Baili Hongzhuang will die in this battle."

There is an uncertain light in Baili Haoxuan's eyes. Today's situation is obvious, one person must die among the two, either Han Xiling or Baili Hongzhuang.

It's just who will die in the end, it's still unclear.

The hands under Xuanyuanhuan's sleeve robes gradually closed, and his eyes tightly stared into the raging darkness in front of him.

The battle between Baili Hongzhuang and Han Xiling also surpassed Mo Yunjue's expectations. Unexpectedly, these two women actually exploded with such terrifying power in the end.

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