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Chapter 1436: Shocked, the existence of the ladder!

Just the first time seeing it, it gives people an extremely shocking feeling.

The stairs are not too high, but the width is extremely surprising.

The most shocking thing is that on the ladder that day, a large and solemn black coffin attracted everyone's attention.

Baili Hongzhuang didn't even have time to sigh that her judgment was really right, and her attention was already attracted by the ladder and the coffin.

"Is the person lying in the coffin the owner of the ruins?"

Baili Hongzhuang couldn't help but think of this idea, besides this possibility, she could not think of any others.

On this ladder, many cultivators are struggling to climb the ladder, but the highest one so far has only reached fifty floors.

Baili Hongzhuang took a close look at the surrounding situation, and in this large and amazing hall, only this ladder exists.

Other than that, there is nothing else.

Therefore, the ultimate inheritance of this ruin should be on this ladder.

"This is really shocking!"

Xiao Hei's eyes flashed with shocking light, and he would never be able to truly appreciate the shock without seeing it with his own eyes.

"The owner of the ruins is really generous, and it's amazing." Xiao Bai said with emotion.

Baili Hongzhuang turned around and glanced at the back. Before that, she was not sure whether her judgment was correct or incorrect, so she simply told Xia Zhiqing and others about her judgment.

She only hopes that Xia Zhiqing and others can understand their own judgments from what she said and come here.

Xia Zhiqing and the others have been waiting. After seeing Baili Hongzhuang entered it and did not come out again, there was a light of joy on their faces.

"The boss was right! She successfully entered!"

Xia Zhiqing's face was full of excitement. As long as the boss did not pop out, it meant that the boss did not make the wrong choice. She's so happy.

"The boss is really amazing, this kind of thing that can't be judged at all, the boss can always find the problem!"

Yuan Xiaoman's eyes flashed with admiration of Hongzhuang, she really is the person she admires most.

Every decision made is so amazing, she doesn't understand why the boss is so smart!

A smile filled Mo Yunjue's eyes, and he finally understood why the Beast King chose Baili Hongzhuang as the master.

Because Baili Hongzhuang's savvy is so amazing.

As long as Baili Hongzhuang is given a certain amount of time, her future achievements will never be bad.

The higher the path of cultivation, the higher the demand for comprehension.

Some high-strength martial arts often require a high level of savvy to be able to learn them, and Baili Hongzhuang's performance now has proven her savvy.

"Choose what you think in your heart."

Gong Shaoqing murmured. This was what Baili Hongzhuang said before she left and walked into the mirror.

Just what did she mean?

"These mirrors should all be the same, and there is no difference at all. As long as you firmly choose the mirror you believe, that mirror is the right choice."

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