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Chapter 1176: Watching jokes, Hongzhuang

When all the female disciples present saw the beautiful and unparalleled face of Di Beichen, they had no resistance at all. Besides, Di Beichen was still the young master of Tiangang Sect?

It's just that the appearance of Baili Hongzhuang has made everyone's illusions fade away a bit, but this still can't put an end to their illusions.

Looking at the people's fighting spirit, Di Beichen was also very satisfied, and his eyes fell on Baili Hongzhuang and the others, with a smile: "You also go to the team to prepare for the assessment later."

Hearing, Baili Hongzhuang and others immediately walked into the team. In front of the disciples of Gangzong on this day, they would also maintain absolute respect for Di Beichen.

Baili Hongzhuang and the others couldn't help but fall into the front phantom array. The range of this array is not small and has not yet been opened yet, but they can notice the many mysterious totems in the center of the array.

Xia Zhiqing looked at the assessment array curiously, "This is the phantom array we will be assessing later?"

Baili Hongzhuang nodded slightly, "Yes, it is said that this phantom array will simulate all kinds of monsters, and for a while, you must control the fear in your heart during the assessment and use your strongest strength."

Fear is one of the most difficult emotions for humans to overcome.

Even if it is a phantom array, the feeling is still extremely realistic, except for the pain, everything else is just the same.

Therefore, it is not a simple matter to pass this test.

Listening to Baili Hongzhuang's words, Xia Zhiqing and the others have a serious look on their faces.

Di Beichen and Baili Hongzhuang both explained this magical array to them. They also understood the content of this assessment, and they kept convincing themselves that everything they faced later was fake.

It's just that, even if they are now self-convincing, they may not be able to do what they want when they are being assessed.

After seeing Baili Hongzhuang and the others, the cultivators who were waiting for the assessment showed dissatisfaction in their eyes.

There have always been many capable people in the Tiangang sect. Even if everyone from the special enrollment class followed Hei Mu to the Tiangang sect, they only showed up once, but everyone has already found out their identities.

A cultivator in the special enrollment class of Canglan College and a friend of Baili Hongzhuang.

Canglan Academy does have a certain reputation, but that influence is in the dynasty.

For the sect, the reputation of Canglan Academy is obviously not strong enough.

In their opinion, the reason why the practitioners in the special enrollment class were able to come to the Tiangang Sect for an assessment was completely drenched in the light of Hongzhuang.

"This Baili Hongzhuang really dares to do whatever the Young Sect Master likes to do, so she just came to the Tiangang Sect for the assessment, and brought all her friends.. It's really amazing the Young Sect Master let her mess around."

"No way, who makes the young master like her? But if these people don't perform well and can't win a place, it's really funny now."

Everyone was talking about them. In fact, almost no one in the room would be optimistic about the strength of Xia Zhiqing and others.

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